App ; Vatheon

Dec 15, 2010 03:03

[ Player Name ] : Kia
[ Personal LJ ] : starswing
[ Age ] : 24 in January!
[ Timezone ] : MST
[ Other Characters ] : N/A

[ Character's Name ] : Olette
[ Character's Age ] : 15
[ Series ] : Kingdom Hearts
[ Canon Point ] : Kingdom Hearts II, some point after Sora and his companions are sent to the data version of Twilight Town.

[ History ] :
Have this, just in case you don't want to read through all of this.

Olette hails from a place known as Twilight Town, aptly named since it's SUNSETS, SUNSETS FOREVER. A normal girl whose days consist of hanging out with her friends Hayner and Pence and having the occasional run-ins with their "rivals" Seifer and his gang, Olette plays a deeper role than she realizes. In short, in a data version of Twilight Town, the Olette there is very close friends with none other than Roxas, Sora's Nobody. Of course, the actual Olette has no clue about this, since she's only met Roxas once while he was in the Organization and never actually learned his name. She managed to clue in to quite a few things over the course of the game:

1. The old mansion in Twilight Town is rumored to get some strange visitors
2. Olette feels as though she's met Sora before and almost feels obligated to see him off when he departs-- this could be because, having met Roxas once, she could have gotten that sense of familiarity from him.
3. Sora and co. had a munny pouch that was an exact replica of Olette's, which was something she made herself-- thus there shouldn't have been one that looked just like it. Not only that, but inside that pouch was a blue crystal, twin to one of the ones adorning the town's one-of-a-kind Struggle Trophy.

The usually quiet town (except when Organization XIII was running all over the place killing Heartless GEEZ GUYS) receives quite a few visitors within a short amount of time. First, there's King Mickey, searching for Sora, Donald, and Goofy, then there's the aforementioned trio, then Kairi and Pluto (as Pence puts it) come "flying out of a hole in the wall". Followed a bit later by Axel, who's come to kidnap Kairi.

By the time Sora and his buddies return for the third time, following a lead, the Twilight Town gang has caught on to the fact that Something Is Not Right. In fact, they're fairly certain that there's some kind of alternate Twilight Town out there, and it's connected to that mansion. They went to check it out themselves in the hopes of helping Kairi, but were attacked by Nobodies and weren't able to enter the mansion until Sora showed up. It's then that they propose their theory to him, along with the idea that that's where Kairi could have been taken to. At the very least, they know Riku's involved, since Olette figures out that he was the one who gave Mickey the crystal and the pouch to give to Sora.

They go into the mansion and find the basement where all these screens are, and Pence manages to gain access to the system and allow Sora and pals to travel to data Twilight Town and eventually go save Kairi. The gang's done what they could.

[ Personality ] :
The sole girl of the group, Olette is the level-headed one. That's not to say that she doesn't have fun, because she does. She's constantly cheering on her friends or going to the beach or just getting involved in Hayner and Pence's shenanigans, and she loves shopping (and dragging people shopping) like your typical 15-year-old girl. If anything, she's a nice balance between girly and tomboy, having no problems running around with the guys, but sighing over the story of Sora and Kairi and calling it "romantic". Actually, she's kind of a balance of everything. Responsible but does have an impulsive streak at times, playful and teasing but she knows when it's time to buckle down and be serious, etc. She seems to be the one who's mainly in charge of fetching the sea-salt ice cream for everyone, and as much as the sky never changes, she really loves watching the sunset with her closest friends.

Olette's also a bit of a subtle mediator, working to soothe ruffled feathers-- mainly Hayner's. In the manga, she signals to Roxas to just go along with Hayner's ideas in order to keep him from ranting the whole time, and thanks him discreetly after he does; she rarely gets into arguments unless she's after the group to finish their homework. She's a fair and friendly girl, being affable with Roxas when she first meets him, and quick to scold Hayner for being rude to him. It really doesn't take much for Olette to make friends and, when she does, she's willing to do quite a bit for them-- going along with friends' schemes with a great deal of patience, getting herself attacked by Nobodies in the search for Kairi, going after Axel with a NAIL BAT etc. Her friends have her support, no matter what. Hey, she may even be getting used to all this crazy stuff happening to her.

Lastly, Olette may be a sweet girl, but there are some things she just WILL NOT TOLERATE. One thing is unfinished homework, and she will nag you to Sunday and back again if you keep slacking off about it. Sure, she's a kid who dislikes independent studies and assignments like everyone else, but she is responsible and dammit, she'll do her work. She doesn't like people picking on others, whether it's Seifer being a jerk (as always), Hayner being a rude grump (when Seifer is being a jerk as always), or anyone else. AND SHE'S SENSIBLE. She points out when people are being mean and/or stupid, and flat-out asks Hayner what the point even is in daring Roxas to do a Grandstander act. She notices right off the bat that there's an exact replica of her munny pouch, but doesn't remark on it until she's had time to figure out just why that exists, and she asks about things instead of jumping to conclusions. And she'll laugh and tease, but it's never mean-spirited. She's a nice, normal girl who likes sunsets, ice cream, running at strangers with nail bats and making memories with her friends.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
She can eat ice cream every day and not get fat!? She's got some craft skill, as evidenced by the pouch she made. She's probably fit enough with all the running around she does, and Olette may - in all actuality - be the hardest one to refuse when she finally puts her foot down, but she's really just a normal teenage girl. She doesn't run around with weapons or Keyblades, sorry. Which means her ultimate weakness is that she can't really defend herself if she was in danger.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
please never give her a nail bat-- I mean. She'll recognize Roxas, though she has no memory of ever being best friends with him, as that was her data self. As far as she knows, he's someone she's met before, but nothing too important beyond that (yet).

[ Sample ] :
She had been drenched before. That typically consisted of going to the beach with Hayner and Pence and Hayner inevitably dunking her after a thrilling beach ball battle amongst the waves.

But Olette was more than certain that she hadn't been anywhere near the beach. In fact, she distinctly remembered exiting the mansion with her friends and going to buy ice cream in a joint "We figured out the mystery!" celebration and a "HERE'S TO YOU, SORA, MAY YOU SAVE KAIRI FROM THE CREEPY TALL REDHEAD WHO WALKS OUT OF WALLS" toast. They'd gone their separate ways after that, and she'd eventually fallen asleep in her bed. None of that should have involved waking up soaking wet. Not only that, but when she looked herself over, she discovered a weird symbol (a tattoo?) on her upper left arm that wouldn't come off (despite several fierce scrubbing attempts) and a ball of yellow light floating over her shoulder.

Olette yelped (in a fashion Hayner would have called "girly" with a roll of the eyes) and scrambled back, but the light followed. She waited, tense. The light made no threatening gestures (and how would a light have gestured, anyway?), easing her nerves enough for her to remain still and inspect it. At first glance, it reminded her of one of the crystals on the Struggle Trophy, but only in color. A closer look and much squinting revealed no further revelations, except that it seemed insistent on following her.

"You're lucky Pence isn't here," she informed the... whatever-it-was. "He'd be all over you, supernatural nut that he is."

... She was talking to it. Great. All she needed now was...

And Olette groaned when she saw that the bag of ice cream bars (that had mysteriously shown up with her) had indeed been soaked through. She didn't exactly feel like ice cream when she couldn't even figure out where she was - besides underwater, from the looks of it - or where the mark had come from, or the light, or any of the newfound mysteries now plaguing her thoughts-- but it was still a waste of three perfectly good sea-salt bars. Pence would have been aghast.

Once he'd stopped marveling at Olette's new location, anyway, but she figured if either he or Hayner had been here, she would have heard from them already. That left her alone, confused... and determined to figure out what was going on. At the very least...

"I probably won't be finishing any homework anytime soon," she said aloud, and turned her thoughts towards doing something a bit more productive. She was a sensible girl, after all; after the odd events that had been taking place in Twilight Town and Pence's joy in investigating its "wonders", she'd learned to deal with the unusual the same way she dealt with everything else.

Go along with it to prevent headaches and try to work it out in the meantime.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : I think I'm good!

app, ooc

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