Hmm so I finally gave in and watched Conviction, I was trying to avoid it after all the terrible things I had heard about it, and how I would need to bleach both my eyes and brain after watching it, but well it has Stephanie March in it as Alex Cabot so really no matter how bad it was, I really did just have to watch !
I have to say the show it's self wasn't actually all that bad, I watched all 13 episodes in one night back to back and I found the acting and story lines pretty damn good. The season finale was particularly good and better than any I have seen in the SVU-verse (I know what a sweeping statement !!) so I was pleasantly surprised by that. What however did cause me to want to bleach my whole body top to bottom and shower like 100 times to get the dirtiness away from me was the bloody god damn awful character assassination of Alex Cabot !!
Now I am not sure if it was the writing, direction or if Stephanie played a part in this (As I love her so much I will have to defend her to the death and say she was oblivious !), but my god can I just ask what happened to the real Alex Cabot during and more importantly when are you going to give her back !!
I applaud Stephanie for being able to play this character because how it is possible to play such a self righteous little bitch with a stick up her ass at exactly the same time as playing someone so slutty and deceitful is beyond me, but well she did a pretty fine job !!
The Alex Cabot I know was always moralistic, despite wanting to better herself she always showed that she was prepared to put herself on the line to help the victims even if it meant causing damage to herself ( Ummm "Guilt" anyone ??). She was loyal and trustworthy and not someone that you would think would stab you in the back. Jesus Christ though the Alex in Conviction is a deceptive manipulating little bitch, doing anything and everything in her power to make sure she stays at the top and her political game. Sleeping with a subordinate in an open office like that ?? Yeah hardly Alex's style (Well unless she is with Olivia but that's a whole different story !!) she is too much of a prude for that sort of thing, and too professional to boot. Despite this they have turned her into some sort of little wanton slut (only in my dreams is that allowed to happen !!) who can't keep it in her pants for more than 5 minutes when some hot guy sweeps into the room. I mean she practically swooned, hardly Alex like behaviour. I don't believe for one minute that the Ice Princess would spread her legs like that at the drop of a hat. And really Jim Steele?? Where is he going to take her career, he is her subordinate ? The Alex of Conviction seems like she wouldn't lower her standards to sleep with someone with less than $ 1 million in his bank account......I guess she just liked having the power over him, kinda like I can sleep with you when and if I like and there is not a damn thing you can do to resist !!
So anyway she pimps herself out like that over her desk and then the very next morning she gets engaged to Mr Mega Bucks?? Really Alex, really ?? This is not behaviour I have come to expect of you, cheating on your partner and then waking up and deciding to marry him and his bank account to help appease your guilt !! Again I ask what the hell have you done with my real Alex Cabot and can we have her back. This is character assassination of the worse kind, even worse than what they have done to poor old "Saint Olivia" !!
And really, Robert ?? Seriously !! I have never seen two people with such little chemistry, it actual hurts to see that. I saw nothing more than a few pecks on the cheeks and obscenely painful body language !! When you compare that to the chemistry between Alex/Olivia and all the eye shagging they used to do it is just painful to watch ! We all know that Alex wanted to push her political career and we assume she came from old money but I can't imagine even her settling for such a loser as Robert, even with his $12 million in the bank. Alex was a passionate woman, passionate about her convictions, passionate about doing the right thing and passionate about what it means to be a woman. I can not believe for one second that she would let her morales go out the window so she could hang around on the arm of her husband like some soft of trophy wife. It makes me sick that these writers can't allow a strong independent woman to be just that, strong and independent without having a man on her arm to complete her. This is not even about sexuality, as much as I ship Alex with Olivia to death and as much as I think the signs were always there, we all know she was most likely straight (But Gay for Olivia !!). I am not objecting to that fact, I am merely objecting to the fact that she would most definitely not be the kind of woman that needed a man to define her. And the Alex I know is more likely to sleep with some cop who she had chemistry with than some Wall St wanker who is just there to look good on her arm. Alex is a modern woman, as confirmed by the work that she does, in fact everything that she does, she would not behave like this !!
As another point, Alex used to be a passionate prosecutor, determined to do the right things at all cost, making sure that the victims got justice. The kind of woman you wouldn't want to come up against in the court room (Well unless you actual did want to come up against her in the court room !!) because she was so focused and determined. She was the kind of woman you would want fighting your corner for you. In Conviction they turned her into a woman who apparently couldn't give a rats ass about the victim and was only out for what she could get from a situation. The Alex I knew would never ever sell out a rape victim and take a deal so she could win a bigger case. Seriously did the writers forget about how long she spent working SVU cases and the passion she had for the victims, how her and Olivia were advocates for women everywhere. Did they forget the fact that she was prepared to risk her own life and that of her families so she could convict Zapata for his crimes. Did they forget the time she was in Witness Protection and what she went through just to stand behind her principles, how she risked her life again to come back in "Ghost" to testify. A woman like this would not allow a rapist to take a ridiculous deal like that just so she could win a case, the Alex I know would have hunted high or low for other evidence !
And don't even get me started on the appalling way Alex treats her colleagues in Conviction, lording around like she is something special (Yeah yeah I know she is bureau chief !!) by being passive aggressive and bullying. This again is not the Alex we all know. I know she is the boss but seriously, that doesn't mean you can't treat your staff with a little respect instead of looking down your nose at them like you think you're Head Bitch in Charge, kicking ass and taking names (Although that is a little bit hot !)
And really Alex, looking like Lawyer!Barbie with that massive great rock on your finger, ridiculously over the top designer clothes and jewellery, hair looking like someone is on hand to style every 5 minutes and driving around in your over priced Mercedes is not a redeeming feature. It's not you and frankly it is shocking they have written you like this, did you think that we wouldn't notice or something !!
It's funny though that by the time Alex comes back to SVU in Season 11 she is nothing like this at all and is back to the Alex we know and love ?? What happened there did she have a personality transplant or is it just that the writers have no idea how to keep a consistent story line in place. The Alex who gives up everything she has ever known to to help rape victims from the Congo is a million miles away from the slutty manipulative Barbie doll that we were forced to endure in Conviction, they are like two completely different women !!
Like I said earlier the character assassination of Olivia is bad enough and I could bang on about that for a good long time, but seriously what happened to Alex here is even worse. At least Olivia's ridiculous character flaws can be explained away due to some of her life events, Alex's on the other hand is just due to really sloppy work from TPTB !
Oh well at least there was one saving grace the "Glasses of Power and Justice" got to stay, so it may well have been worth watching just for that alone !!
Wow so that rant ended up a lot longer than I wanted it to be, but I kinda felt the need to get it off my chest, there is so much more I could say about it but I might leave that to another time........For now I am off to watch "Loss" and remind myself of the oh so pretty HoYay! between Alex and Olivia and remind myself of what these 2 lovely ladies used to be like before they were turned into evil reincarnations of themselves !!!