Speculation on the final Cylon, spoilers under lj-cut

Jun 13, 2008 22:29

Sorry, non-nerds.

Okay, we just watched the half-season finale of Battlestar Galactica, and based on the episode and the trailer I think it's pretty clear who the final Cyclon is.

The most likely bet, I'd say, is Ellen Tigh. D'anna said that the final Cylon is not with the fleet. The only way she'd know that is either a) if she knew the Cyclon wasn't with the fleet before she was boxed, or b) if the Cylon was one of the hostages on the baseship. That dramatically narrows down the list of suspects. (Unless D'anna was lying, but I think that's unlikely, as I'll explain below).

Of the former category, it had to be someone who died before the algae planet and who the Cyclons would have known died. Ellen Tigh fits; she died on New Caprica, her body (dead? secretly alive?) is still there. In the trailer for the next half-season it's Saul's voice who says, with surprise, that "You're the final Cyclon." Also, Ellen originally appeared in the fleet under mysterious circumstances, she exerted a very strong influence over events in the fleet when she was alive (by design? unconsciously?), she repeatedly tried to convince Saul to push for power within the fleet, she made sure that Saul Tigh survived on New Caprica by whoring herself out to Brother Cavil. And, if both Ellen and Saul are Cylons, that would give them a stronger cover story if maybe they're not quite as old as they claim (or think) they are. Also, the fact that Saul has visions of Ellen superimposed over Caprica Six, and that he's having a baby with her, hints that there might be something more to Ellen. And in the last supper photo, Ellen's not in the shot, but the chair next to Saul is empty. So that's my guess for the most likely fit.

Of other folks that have died, none are that compelling. Elosha reappeared in a vision this season, but she's generally a pretty minor character. No one seems to have mentioned Billy since he died (sob! I liked Billy). Admiral Cain is a great character, but she played a relatively minor role in the life of the fleet, she didn't do anything that would really qualify as manipulating the direction of the human race. None of the other minor characters who died on New Caprica were that important. And I can't imagine Crashdown's going to be revealed as the series' secret mastermind.

Of the folks held hostage on the ship, it seems unlikely it's Roslin, Gaius or Helo, because they were all in the Last Supper photo, and they were all within range of the nebula when the other four were activated. And while Hotdog may be Edward James Olmos's son, I still don't think dad could get him the part of the final Cylon.

I also don't imagine D'anna was lying because if she thought the final Cylon might be in the fleet, she would know that all five of them might have been reactivated by the nebula and that all five might come forward and reveal themselves. It would too much of a risk to say only four were on board if five of them could have shown up after she threatened the hostages.

So yeah, there's my two cents. Other theories?


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