Stamped as Quasimodo // Relationship theme with los_york!

Dec 12, 2010 20:10

PERSON A Username / Name / Stamped as: tunnels_of_loce / Kelly / Stamped as Quasimodo
PERSON B Username / Name (/ Stamped as, if applicable): los_york / Olivia / Stamped as Esmeralda

What type of relationship do you have? Friendship!
When/where did you meet for the first time? (irl or online) It was online in stamping communities, I think.
Who's the more dominant one? I don't think any one of us is more dominant over the other, actually!
How are you alike? We have a lot of common interests, especially Disney, Harry Potter and Glee! We're both college students and are very active in several LJ communities, and we have a lot of the same opinions and beliefs about things.
How are you different? We're studying different things, we live in different states, we're slightly different ages, and our personalities are slightly different!
How do you spend your time together? Usually just chatting on LJ or twitter!
Do you ever fight? Nope :)
K now we need to see a picture of you guys together (optional): Sadly, we don't have one! :(

Person A about Person B
What do you like about this person? Everything! Her entries are always entertaining and fun to read, and she's incredibly nice and supportive. I love her dedication to her stamping communities (and stamping in general, really) and to HiH! I also love how she doesn't put up with crap from people, yet she's always very nice and polite about telling them otherwise.
What do you dislike really like about them? I honestly don't think there's a single thing I don't like about her!
What's the best memory you have of this person? All of the wonderful chats we've had on twitter. :)
Pick a color that reminds you of them: Hmm... I would say a nice, bright shade of red!
Anything else? I don't think so :O

Person B about Person A
What do you like about this person? She's totally nice and sweet! She's a great person to talk to when you're down! She's also very dedicated to her school work and her dreams will come true because of it!
What do you dislike really like about them? I really don't know! :O
What's the best memory you have of this person? Those amazing chats on twitter and being on stamp comms together!
Pick a color that reminds you of them: Baby blue!
Anything else? <3 you!

Finishing Up...
What relationship do you think you're absolutely NOT like? Probably Frollo & Quasimodo
Please link 5 unstamped apps you have voted on: (If you're both members, both of you must have voted)

relationship theme, relationship!esme & quasi

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