Name: Kaela
Age: 17
Previously stamped as: Clopin
Your positive traits: confident, happy, smart, caring, loyal, honest
Your negative traits: arrogant, bossy, opinionated, stubborn, moody, neurotic
What are some traits you like in a best friend?: I need them to be there for me in the good and the bad. If they're not gonna do that then they're not a true friend. Also honesty is great, willingness to communicate, sense of humor... you know
What are some traits that you dislike in a friend?: Well if it's a trait I dislike it's not really a friend is it :| I mean I guess like I don't want them to be manipulative, or push me to do things I don't want to, and idk I just want them to be there for me most of all.
Think about your best friend or group of friends. Are they like you at all?: Yeah I guess so. We're similar but not like, exactly alike.
Do you think it is necessary to have friends similar to you?: Yeah. I've learned from experience that if you're too close to someone it destroys the relationship though so you really have to watch out.
Do you tend to hang with the boys or are you a girly-girl?: I have a lot of guy friends actually. Out of the last 5 people I hung out with, 4 of them are guys. lots of girls too tho hm idk it's kind of a mix of both.
What do you like to do with your friends (movies, parties, sports, etc)?: We do pretty much everything. Yesterday I hung out with some people and they were like hey let's make a cake and sandwiches and now let's make a bonfire lol they are so fun and we do whatever~
THIS OR THAT (for your ideal friend)
Introverted or Extroverted: extroverted
Mature or Immature: silly but they can be mature
Masculine or Feminine: feminine I guess
Impulsive or Cautious: impulsive
Optimistic or Pessimistic: optimistic
Idealist or Realist: idealist
Brave or Safe: brave
Selfish or Selfless: selfless
Leader or Follower: leader
Which character do you think would be an awful best friend for you? No more than two, please. NO FROLLO PLZ
Anything else? ty!