Quills & Quidditch Bundle

Oct 03, 2016 16:39

Quills & Quidditch is a Harry Potter themed bundle with 35 goodies in it.
It is $8 sent as a gift to lhgraphicsrequests@hotmail.com. If you can't send as a gift I can send you an invoice.

Everything will be personalized for you with your favorite colors and hair/eye color(where applicable).
If you want to sign up send payment then comment here with the form.

Quills & Quidditch

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Favorite Color: (or two)
Hogwarts House:
Delivery Email: (be sure to type it correctly or your graphics will get lost, leave blank if you want your goodies to be posted on lj)
Paypal Email: (if different)
Anything Else you want to mention?

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