
Dec 12, 2004 21:07

1. Slang - a.Future cause of illiteracy; b.A Dyslexic's Worst Fear: a. slang- fo wat u do that shiznat dawg.... Regular Human Being- Are you English or Retarded; b Dyslexic-  ai kant bo dis 5tuqid 5lang

1. el jay -all the cool scene kids spell LJ, el jay. Its a way of refering to livejournal. an online journal where you complain about your life and post a million picture from the top right angle: d00d did you check out my new el jay layout, its t0tally the sex, check it out and tell me what you think

1. liek omgz- The liek comes from a misspelling of like, while the omgz comes from a weird z-addition of omg which stands for oh my god or oh my gosh. Usually used by people who slam their heads on the keyboard and cannot spell for shit, e.g. valleygirls, preppy people who type in sticky caps, or 12-year-old:.
[girl one] liek omgz diz guy spred a rumer abut meh..,,,
[girl two] omgzzz!111 wut a meenee!!11
[girl one] i nooooooo
[girl two] i no u shud haff sbex wiff his gf hed get reeel mad!111 majer paybek [girl one] wowww liek omgz u r teh so smaert!111 thx babiiiiii

1. retarded - The act of getting wasted on drink or drugs ie. being in a retarded state: man I drank so much last night I was retarded. and Lets get retarded;  2. retarded - To be tarded twice: John who is tarded.. is now retarded;  3. retarded  - a.Someone of annoyingly low intelligence b. See George W. Bush: a. What the fuck are you retarded, b. The president is retarded

1. Dubya - conservative, trigger-happy dumb-ass Dubya likes to blow up Iraq, even though he has no clue where Iraq is; 2. Dubya - the reason i have lost hope in the american people: When Dubya is elected to his second term, i'm moving far, far away; 3. Dubya  - George W. Bush. Aka dumbass, dickslap, shit for brains: George Dubya is on TV.

1. Tit - The best invention by god:  I love tits!

1. Cunt puncher - When your doing a girl, and she says "i'm cumming" you pull out and punch her right in the cunt: Nick cunt punched Hannah.

1. McWhore - a fat (supersized) girl who will do pretty much anything for $3.9: Check out that McWhore. Not too easy on the eyes but she's easy on the bone.

1. tony danza- You're having sex with a girl "doggie style". Mid-coitus, you yell "Who's the fucking boss?" You then proceed to "donkey punch" the bitch and yell "TONY FUCKIN' DANZA." She know's who the boss is...and it's NOT Hot Karl.

1. skin check - A suggestion to a person to take a look at the actual color of their skin when they are pretending to be of a different race: Skin check! Dude, you're white, don't act black!!

1. ignant The ignorant way of saying ignorant
person1 -"Your ignant"
person 2 -"You're uneducated." 
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