yeah I know what you mean. Sometimes it's good to reorganize your priorities and sometimes it's bad because you shouldn't need organized indefinate space from you loved one. I hope things work out ok!
20 sit ups on the physical fitness ball is no joke. Great job and keep it up. Although I think I supported you already with the working out. No matter, someone should give you a boost.
You've given the enemy a name - the physical fitness ball. Your one of those fit people aren't you? Thanks for the support though, it's much appreciated.
I am not one of those fit people. I'm on crutches, but once I get off these damn things my goal is to lose 20 lbs. I just know the "correct" term. Please stick with the silver space age ball of torture, it's more fitting.
Drunk calling can be fun...I like recieving drunk calls more than giving them...I always tend to say something that I dont want to when I drunk call people. I like being the sober driver when it comes to some people because they are just too funny and then I have funny/embarrasing stories to hold over their heads. Its great. I'm glad that your drunk call didnt end disaterous. What did you end up getting your mom for her birthday?
If only there were 25 hours in the day! I know when my classes start up again in October it's going to be really hard to fit everything in. It's worth sticking with though. You can do it.
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