If anyone, I don't care who you are, have told any of my friends that it is unhealthy or even wrong for them to be friends with me... so help me, God... if I hear it again, you will get an earful
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I'm sorry... I'm upset... this is how I deal... I rant in LJ... and yes, you of all people have known certain people longer than me... I'm not trying to infringe on that at all - please keep that in mind... however, when anyone makes assumptions about my relationships when he/she is never around to witness my rhythms - which are completely different than their own - it just upsets me... sorry...
Don't let the unknowing fucks get to you. They really, truly aren't worth your time. And they'll be the ones who lose out in the end cuz they'll lose you, a damn good person and you'll just be rid of annoying fucks like them.
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