It's just... that... I have my silly Torrin!universe stuck in my head...
Title: Just Like You: Etiquette
Pairing: C/Z
Rating: Light R (?)
Warning(s): homophobia, religious themes
Disclaimer: Don't own!
Synopsis: Some people are more contradictory than Zeke could ever strive to be.
'Abby, I meeb a mabgin! )
Comments 7
Okay, proper feedback time. I see nobody else deigned to give you any feedback on this, and they can all SUCK MY DICK!
Yeah, I mean you, Addie, Naems, and Vera, the usual suspects who read this shit.
/not serious about the dick sucking
The note-passing thing was totally you and Pan, which I LOVED. I loved Torrin left right and centre, but then again, when DON'T I love him??
I also totally found a "Jesus" card in the bathroom at my store the other day. I was gonna send it to you guys so you knew someone was trying to save me from my heathenus ways. lmao
Those children were MONSTERS! And I could totally see this whole scene happening! (In my brain they were in Denny's, but whatever.) Laughed so hard at "you hate food in the car" and "stand your ground," coz I thought of Green Street Hooligans. (STAND YOUR GROUND AND FIGHT, ELIJAH!)
And this, "You eat a carrot and have to do sit-ups to burn it off before it gets to your chunky-monkey thighs" was all Josh Tom. I love how you snuck him in there ( ... )
Giving Tory the love, you got the X-FACTOR for that. Yayz! And GUESS THE FUQ WUT? Posting more in about ten seconds, w00t!!! *HUGZEZOMFG*
That type of hate runs rampant among the conservative Christians that I know, and sadly, am related to, but I'm glad you balanced it with the sweet Christian Grandmas, because I know some lovely people like that as well. I hope that some day soon there are more of the second group rather than the first.
Loved this.
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