1. When was the last time you drank? last night
2. Where did you drink at? Cam's
3. Have you ever been kicked out of a bar? Oh yes, for having no ID.
4. Have you ever had an interaction with police while under the influence? Oh no. I'd be rude.
5. How many drinks does it take you to get drunk? Depends if I've eaten that day or not.
6. What is the last alcoholic drink you had? Swig of Wiser's.
7. Have you ever gone to school/work drunk? School yes. I've been drunk in Roger's but never when I'm working.
8. Do you get hangovers? Randomly.
9. When did you start drinking? Heck, I don't know.
10. Have you ever thrown up on someone because you were so drunk? Yeah. I went to the hospital and everything. I usually throw up from hangovers.
11. What is the craziest thing you have ever done while drunk? Took on the Yakuza and nuked the whales.
12. Have you ever been so drunk that you don’t remember what happened? Many times. I just assume that I repeated the afore-mentioned actions.
13. What drink(s) do you dislike? Coolers.
14. Do you drink during the week? When I don't work the next day.
15. Has someone asked you to stop drinking? Yeah. Not sure why.
16. What are your favorite drinks? Rye things.
17. Have you ever passed out or blacked out from drinking? Who hasn't?
18. Have you ever drunk and drove? Yeah. Never again.
19. Do your parents drink? If so how often? Rarely.
20. What is your favorite drinking game? A shot whenever someone says a certain thing in a movie. (i.e. "son of a bitch" in Cape Fear, or "snakes!" in Snakes on a Plane.)
21. Have you ever had drunken sex? Yeah, it's alright but too much drooling.
22. If you could name a drink, what would you name it? The MondoBitchFuck.
23. Do you drink on holidays? Well yes of course.
24. Do you ever drink in the morning? The only way I'd be up in the morning is to work.
25. What about afternoon? Usually around 5pm and after.
26. Do you know anyone who you think should cut down/stop drinking? Of course not.
27. Ever have to go to the hospital because of something alcohol related? Once. That Yakuza thing...
28. Do you think you are an alcoholic? Nah, it doesn't affect the rest of my life.
29. Have you ever been to an AA meeting? No. Almost but I found out it's religious.
30. Ever done a keg stand? Nope.
31. Do you know how to mix drinks? Some.
32. What do you like to do when you're drunk? Feel very strongly about things.
33. Do you have a favorite bar? So far I like Shoeless Joe's the most. Those nachos were terrific.
34. Have you ever woken up in a strange place after a night of drinking? Yeah, I don't like that.
35. What types of alcohol have a bad effect on you? More than two beers makes me sleepy and headache-y.
36. How do you get rid of (or at least try) hangovers? Lot of water and/or milk, toast, sleep, two tylenols, and finally 2+ gravols. Or to prevent it take 2+ gravols before sleep with lots of water.
37. What do you like to eat when you're wasted? Chips of interesting flavours.
38. Have you ever swam in a pool while drinking/drunk? Yeah. Once at Jordan's with no tops. So many breasts! It was heaven.
39. Have you/do you drank/drink underage? I sure did.
40. Do your parents know you drink? Oh yes.
41. What do they think about it? They don't like it much.
42. Have you ever drank with your parents? No way!
43. What's the most embarassing thing you've done while you were wasted? This is the beauty of not remember things.
44. Have you ever gotten an injury because you were doing something stupid while you were drunk? Two.
45. Have you ever combined alcohol and another drug? Marijuana.
46. Have you ever had drunken hookups? If so do you regret it? No and no.
47. Have you ever been caught with booze by authority? Yes. That Edgefest was so boring I needed it.
48. Have you ever been kicked out of a place for being too loud/crazy/weird? Yeah but I wasn't drunk.
49. Have you ever drank alcohol in public? Duh.
50. Finally, when do you think is the next time you will be having some fun with booze? Day after tomorrow maybe. Perhaps tomorrow night if lovely ladies are willing.