First of all I was craving meat (I don't normally eat much meat at all) and all kinds of fruit, mostly red ones (grapes, apples etc..) and nowww, I simply have to have seafood sticks and pickled cucumbers!
Not together, obviously.
I was craving them so badly yesterday, I just had to have them! <3
This is what's next to me on the desk, yum..
As well as buying odd food yesterday, I bought Bubs some pj's and his/ her first puppy soft toy ♥
Here's the top to the pj set:
And the bottoms - I love the little waistband!!
This is Bamboo (Stephen picked and named him - so cute):
He's sooo soft, I can't stop hugging him!
Here is a pic of my bump (at last, yay!!) - click to make it bigger:
I'm 14 weeks 4 days and I swear, I look further along than that! O_o
Oh well, I'm just loving this bump and I really can't wait for the day I feel Bubs move <3
The joy and excitement that this pregnancy is bringing me is just unbelievable..
I could never imagine what it would be like to be pregnant, and now that I am, I'm just finding it a total blessing.
I've had it really easy compared to some Mums-to-be, and I'm really grateful for that :)
I'm a lucky girl!
So back to yesterday, Stephen treated me to thisss...
Ahh, I love it! :D
It's so addictive though, tsk.
Still, it keeps me entertained and it's cute so I'm happy!
Anyway, that's enough for now.
If I don't write again later on today, I will tomorrow :)
Big hugs for all