random things.. and stuff I forgot to mention before! :)

Aug 29, 2008 17:23

1] Okay so first of all, I LOVE MY BOY!!
I'm sorry, but it has to be said.
All day I've been thinking how lucky I am to have him, and then he goes off to work and starts sending me cute messages..

This one is for Bubs, sent a couple of days ago..

And this one for me, today <3

He is so adorable, he still makes my heart beat fast <3

2] Anyway, now for a little chat about the other man in my life..
I think Milo is sulking.
He's been swinging between being very baby-like and cuddly, to ignoring me and just sighing lots!
Here is a pic of him sulking on his bed..

But he's been raising his paw and looking cute, so he got a treat today :D
He's sooo adorable.

3] I've decided that one of the places I really want to visit with Stephen and Bubs one day is the states..
I'm not entirely sure which part yet (there are so many lovely places!), but I'd love to go to a few places while we're over there :D
It would be so exciting.
Plus, my insane cravings are telling me that I need some of this..
Vegetarians look away now! >.<

Bad, I know :(
But right now, that looks so good.

4] Ooh, for those of you who read about Stephen taking my Mum and I out for a meal a while back..
We went to Canary Wharf?
Anyway, I spotted a celebrity :D
I don't know how I forgot to mention it when I originally blogged here, I blame the preggy brain :p
Anyway, it was Cleo Roccos <3
She's so pretty!

And she wasn't being all diva-ish either, she was with a friend and they were carrying Tesco's shopping bags!
Love it.

5] Talking of my forgetfulness, I've just remembered that I put some laundry in to soak and it's still sat there O_o
It's been there for hours!
I think I'm going to start carrying a mini notebook and pen everywhere, yep.
Or start sticking post-it notes all over myself >.<
I'm driving myself mad!

6] Today I had to cut my nails short again :(
I know that sounds whiney and pathetic, but they were growing so nicely, and then I caught one nail on my razor and it split downwards towards the nail bed!
I managed to catch it before it went too low but still, I miss my pretty, longer nails now.

7] I'm so excited for my boy to be home - tonight we're getting a take-away and watching a movie, and I can't wait!
Infact he's leaving work now, so I'm going to go and try to pretty myself up a bit for when he gets here :)

Well done if you read all of that, haha!
Big hugs as always
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