
Jul 26, 2009 18:44

I have shopped at the Randall's on KD and am absolutely fed up and appalled with the poor employees there.

I do not ask much as a customer. I only want my checkout process to be smooth, but apparently the employees there cannot grasp or comprehend this concept.

Every. Single. Time. I am there to check out, the employees are gabbing obnoxiously loud to each other, not even focusing on ringing me up. Some do not even bother to say hello, but instead, talk about how much fun they had at a drunken party the night before or how Susie and Joe are horrible people and they can't believe they did that.

I self-check out most of the time so I do not have to listen to such unprofessional banter. And now, these personal conversations that should remain off the floor get transferred there.

I bring my own bags to shop and as you may well be aware of, the self-check out will not allow you to place it on there until the attendant permits me to. Now, these self-checkout machines are not quiet, but instead, advertise to the entire world what you're purchasing.

The machine blared that I had to remove my item (which was actually my bag) TWICE, and the employees were just too busy to notice or even help me. When I "rudely" interrupted their important conversation by asking, "Am I not allowed to use my bag?", I was cut-off by a short-haired employee saying impolitely, "I'll fix it for you." As I tried to work in another word, she cut me off yet again.

Once she cleared it out for me, she went back to the loud brouhaha with another employee.

I can shop at other grocery stores, but I like to support my neighborhood one. However, I am so disgusted and fed up with the fact that the store is poorly stocked on the weekend (apparently there's only four avocados to buy on a Sunday) but ultimately, so appalled by the lack of ANY service whatsoever from your employees.

I have let it roll off my shoulders, hoping that perhaps the service will improve or change. It hasn't. In fact, it has gotten worse.

I called the store when I was home to voice my complaint to the manager, and no one could take my call. I waited until the option expired, and the menu options were repeated again. There was no voicemail or no way for me to contact the store until I choose to call the next time.

This is not acceptable service to me. Nearly every single check-out experience (the place where I actually *PAY* you for my produce and how you guys make money), especially the last three on my mind, is absolutely frustrating. I am livid at how I am treated when I request for any help (i.e. my bag being cleared off) or when I have a human being ringing me out, talking about their personal lives to an employee who wandered next to them.

As previously mentioned, I don't ask for much. I ask for an employee to help me when I need help and to actually look at me when ringing up my purchase (and you know, it would be fabulous if they actually said hello to me instead of choosing not to make eye contact).

I would like a follow-up response to my letter that is NOT a company-churned format letter that actually addresses my problems with the store, and I sincerely hope that they will be remedied immediately. Otherwise, I will support other grocery stores in my area as well as grocery stores inside the Houston area before I support Randall's again.

Thank you.


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