So the days lately have brought me cookie decorating, attending guard practices, visiting my old job, nose-picking, gift-exchanging, and lots of laughs. Some pics for fun!
The supplies... who knew alcohol was needed to make cookies?
Me puttin some love into the cookies like a good girl
I caught Kel sneakin a lick!!!
More love into the cookies
He thinks he's a master decorator.. but I disagree....
What's a party without Sage and her party scarf??
Kel jammin' to N'Sync's Christmas song, she so got it!!
Almost time to decorate!
Mandy thinks her gingerbread man is fantastic!
Kells beautiful cookies
Mandys beautiful cookies
My beautiful cookies
And we found these cookies outside in the dirt, I guess they look okay... just kiddin, they're ant's!
The only tree in the world that has a name... Fernie
So I got the shittiest present ever this year. Someone gave me a paper bag and this was inside it...
Look at little ant go
Look at that point! Notice how she's all the way off of the ground!
Good pic, one of my favs
We all had boogers, I look worried
Why is someone's finger in my nose?!
The end