
Oct 18, 2012 13:52

Physicist propose method to determine if the universe is a simulation"To find evidence that we exist in a simulated world would mean discovering the existence of an underlying lattice construct by finding its end points or edges. In a simulated universe a lattice would, by its nature, impose a limit on the amount of energy that could be represented ( Read more... )


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honeylocusttree October 18 2012, 18:48:47 UTC
I don't think by "underlying lattice construct by finding its end points or edges" they mean an external edge to the universe though. The source says they're looking at "the high-energy cut off of the cosmic ray spectrum," and "The numerical simulation scenario could reveal itself in the distributions of the highest energy cosmic rays exhibiting a degree of rotational symmetry breaking that reflects the structure of the underlying lattice ( ... )


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honeylocusttree October 18 2012, 18:58:05 UTC
Once all the equations are in letters, I know I'm doomed...


sparrow_lately October 18 2012, 19:33:36 UTC
Holy shit.


honeylocusttree October 18 2012, 23:20:33 UTC
Sadly there's not a huge amount of discussion about it out there, at least specifically related to this article. I know it's been a question for a long time, but I think it's still very much up in the air. But it's interesting to think about!


shoofus October 18 2012, 22:52:38 UTC
so if we are in a construct does that mean there is a god or do we look for the student with the science project


honeylocusttree October 18 2012, 23:19:35 UTC
God has acne...

Or maybe it's a simulation that was set in motion a long time ago, and the programmers forgot about it, or died, or their civilization fell...could be good sci fi.


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