Title: boy's got the look
Pairing: Yokoyama Yu/Sato Megumi
Genre: goo. stylish goo.
Rating: G
Summary: There's goo, and Yokoyama in a stylish outfit.
THIS stylish outfit. What more is there to say? Prompted by
konliza, and dedicated to her as always.
"... Yu...kun...?"
Yu scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, looking at the floor. "Yeah, I guess it was a better idea to have changed after my shoot, huh."
Megumi stared at him dumbly, wide-eyed, her head tilted to one side. He felt like he couldn't move under the scrutiny. He looked up at her; she stared right back.
"Say something," he murmured.
Megumi remained silent.
Yu let out an exasperated breath and stepped back. "Fine. I'll go and change and I'll meet you here in another--"
"NO!" she cried, reaching out for his arm. Megumi opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again, shaking her head. "You look fine. You look... really fine, Yu kun," she affirmed softly, fingers tightening on his sleeve.
"Oh. Really?"
"I think this looks better on me, though," she said impishly, snatching the red fedora from his head and putting it on, smiling out from under it crookedly.
He raked a hand across his hair and laughed. "Yeah, I guess."
Then she stepped forward and ran her own fingers through his hair. He leaned down unconsciously-- he couldn't see her eyes under the hat.
"I think black hair really suits Yu kun well," she murmured quietly. "And the outfit, too."
"You really think so?" he asked, voice coming out gruffer than usual.
"I really think so." Megumi nodded, and pulled his head down--
Just before their lips connected, Yu made a mental note to send something to the stylist at BiDan.