Title: Perhaps Love
Characters: Maruyama Ryuhei and Sawajiri Erika; mentions Nishikido Ryo and Uchi Hiroki.
Genre: angst
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Owned by Johnny's Entertainment and Stardust Promotion. Not mine, just messing with.
Summary: Maru and Erika have a conversation about Ryo.
saihara is partly to blame.
mirai_nante is partly to blame, too.
It's called love at first; and doesn't hurt )
Comments 1
I was wondering why I was partly to blame, and then I started reading. And I went "Oh." D:
I- just. This was gorgeous. I think saihara managed to say everything I kind of want to say about this. :D Just, the distance, and the sadness and the weariness.
"A living is not your whole life," she answers without missing a beat, and he knows what she's getting at.
I think this line got to me the most for some reason. It just, it really shows the differences between Ryo/Maru/JE and Erika.
And just, I think you captured Erika, in this sad, quiet, contemplative way so beautiful. And Maru. ♥ He's one charecter I am always so afraid to write because he seems so complex, and yet, you write him perfectly. And I love the quiet, soft friendship between the two and I don't know what to say besides this is heartbreaking and lonely and beautiful and sad and yet, for some reason, it makes me feel happy, or hopefull, in a bittersweet way.
Just ♥ A piece of art. like always.~
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