Title: Line To Heaven
Characters: Asou Haruto and Ikeuchi Aya
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, nor the series, and make no claims to them. No infringement intended.
Summary: He will always remember, after all these years, the first few heartfelt words she said to him. He will always remember.
Anata ga oshiete kureta mono. You were always at my side. )
Comments 8
im glad i clicked on the link,because i've hardly read any of your fics.
i had goosebumps running down my face though.
the underlying themes of dolphins and stars were very fitting,and the ending...oh,the ending!!!)':
you need to continue writing 1LOT.
and i will use my 1LOT icon for you.♥
... I only began to write this because I was rewatching the special today. Still makes me cry.
especially that part about the stars the dolphins.
i really enjoyed it :D
and i could try to say what i feel, but sometimes there's no need for words to communicate, ne?
That was really really sweet.
Thank you for sharing it, never get tired of reading 1LoT fics, they touch me every time.
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