No Country for Old Men
Before the Devil Knows Your Dead
I am Legend
Sweeny Todd**
*Not Playing in the ATL
**Opens Friday
I love me some Dexter as y'all know...but I did find the finale slightly anti climatic...
I thought the way he set up to take care of Lila was sloppy and not well done, which is why he caught but very not Dexter like IMO. I also thought the whole thing with her taking the kids and the fire was poorly concieved and also not well done. I felt bad for Dokes but he had to go I guess... I did enjoy his final "justice" with Lila. I am looking forward to the next season but this one overall gets a B-...I still loved it, just not as compelling as the first.
Late last night I caught the
Extras Final Special and just have to say, Ricky Gervais is a genius and it made me cry...a lot. His take on celebrity in today's culture is spot on and he is not afraid to look like a dick in the process of making his point. Oh and I too would choose a penguin....I really love Maggie.