For Carriero

Dec 27, 2011 16:06

Mun information

Name: Bear
LJ: naturalcyber
Contact: AIM-Naturalcyber; email-
Age/Birthdate: 28
Characters already played here: N/A

Character information
Character's Name: Gamzee Makara
Series: Homestuck
Age: 6 sweeps (approximately 13)
Timeline: 4:20 on the countdown, shortly after this flash
Canon Resource Link: On Gamzee
On trolls
On alternia

It should be noted that the description of the typing quirk in the wiki is incorrect.

The initial typing quirk is like this:
AlTeRnAtInG cApS wItH cOpiOuS aMoUnTs Of SwEaRiNg AnD pRoPeR pUnCtUaTiOn.
aDditiOnAlLy, CaPs AlTeRnAtE bAsEd On ThE pReViOuS lEtTeR aNd NeW lInEs AlTeRnAtE bEtWeEn StArTiNg WiTh A CaPiTaL oR nOt.
{{Alternating caps with copious amounts of swearing and proper punctuation. Additionally, caps alternate based on the previous letter and new lines alternate between starting with a capital or not.}}

The second typing quirk is not an in character change. The characters don't note any difference, and it isn't consistent with respect to the timeline, such as it is. For example, this log is a direct continuation of this one, and note the change. This quirk is only being discussed for the sake of being thorough, because while both quirks are canon, I personally prefer the first quirk. It feels more natural, because of the way the caps are sorted in the second quirk. It goes as follows:
AlTeRnAtInG CaPs tHaT ArE CoUnTeD By cHaRaCtEr, InClUdInG SpAcEs aNd pUnCtUaTiOn
EaCh lInE BeGiNs wItH A CaPiToL AnD EnD PuNcTuAtIoN Is iNcOnSiStEnT At bEsT
{{Alternating caps that are counted by character, including spaces and punctuation. Each line begins with a capital and end punctuation is inconsistent at best.}}

It feels very machine-like, isn't as aesthetically pleasing, and is something I doubt a person would think of on their own when trying to find a unique way to type. Alternating caps based on the previous letter feels more "organic" and "intuitive," as it were.

The third quirk, which is an IC change, is covered well enough on the wiki, though he mellows out once his sanity is restored. And it should also be known that his quirk does reflect the way he speaks (especially the third), but for the sake of readers' eyes, I don't intend to use his initial quirk in logs and voice communication.

For reference, here is a timeline of events in the Veil that specifically pertain to Gamzee. He is taken from early on in this (after Alterniabound), but as the personality section will cover all the permutations of personality he displays with reference to canon events, it may prove useful.

Personality: Gamzee's personality isn't always readily intuited by looking at the surface, in part because in canon he spends much of his time high on a substance that is at the very least somewhat mind-altering, and quite probably a heavy sedative and anti-psychotic compound based on how canon describes its effects. He exhibits drastic, violent swings in surface personality that may seem contradictory, depending on circumstances.

The state he is in during most of canon is a passive and incredibly high one. Gamzee is friendly and laid back, frequently to the point of non-action. In spite of the copious swearing he retains a childlike wonder at the world. Everything is a miracle and he doesn't want to lose that awe. He is also very easily distracted, even by things as simple as flashing colors. He'll even space out at nothing at all, and does so frequently enough that even people he doesn't talk to often are aware of this.

Underneath that, is a kid who is desperate to please, and also a little lonely. As he was badly neglected by his lusus (the closest thing trolls have to parents) he is at a disadvantage with basic knowledge and in some ways, interactions. However, in spite of this, he never expresses anger or bitterness at his absentee lusus. He waits patiently for his lusus to come back every single night with an unfaltering hope that if he waits long enough, his lusus will, and expresses only sadness when his lusus is killed. This extends to his friends as well. As long as it doesn't go against what his heart is telling him is right, he'll readily agree to just about anything to please his friends. He even agrees to give up his drugs and favorite beverage because a friend says they're bad for him, and is confused when the order is taken back. He says later to said friend that making him smile would be the "best fuckin miracle I ever did part of," and spends his conversations with another friend laying on encouragements and praise very thickly. He's supportive and very easy to get along with, if possessed of some severely annoying habits.

In fact, even when people who aren't particularly close to him come to him needing advice, he does his best to give it. He isn't very good at giving advice, but he tries hard. But everything isn't all innocence and miracles with Gamzee. He's a devout believer in a particularly violent and morbid religion. He enthusiastically fanboys evil, insane clowns, and believes in a paradise where everyone will "bleed as equals" brought about by slaughter. He'd much rather chill with even his enemies, but it must be stressed that he's just as capable of ultra-violence and murder while high as he is sober. He's just too relaxed and disconnected from emotion and reality to actually go about acting on things like that most of the time.

So, that's what he's like while high, but things change when he goes off the drugs. The simplest changes come first. Gamzee suddenly becomes more active and interested in things. While he was disinterested in trolling the humans while high, one of the very first acts he takes newly sober is to follow Karkat's order to troll them. He's quite excited about the opportunity, even if he's poor at the actual trolling aspect because he's too friendly toward the human he chooses to contact, even to the point of helpfully explaining the metaphors he's using. So that's the most obvious change, at least at first. Initiative, interest, and engagement with the world.

Then things go to hell in a handbasket for him, including the murder of one of his close friends that he had a crush on. Most importantly though, the human manages to shatter his faith with one simple link and he goes full of rage and withdraws hard from contact with others--something until that point he hadn't done before. In fact, while the other trolls keep their hording tendencies (piles of things) private, he keeps his in the public space they all use and encourages others to use it, apparently staying there nearly constantly to the point that it severely worries his friend when he leaves the room. When he appears again he's full of anger and obviously unstable mentally. He shows signs of a fragmented sense of self ("they were always both me :o) AND ALSO MOTHERFUCKING ME Do:"), claims to be hearing voices telling him to kill everybody, and has a drastic reversal of his former opinions on the troll class system. He goes from barely being aware of it and disregarding it to fully supporting it and lording his place near the top of it over everyone else. He also develops a morbid obsession with corpses and painting with blood.

However, in spite of his claims to want to kill everyone, he waits at the very least nearly an hour after his first declaration to start killing, and even then only kills someone who was specifically sent to stop him and then someone who attacked him out of vengeance. It should be noted that he arranges that initial murder in a way to make the victim die smiling (remember that miracle mentioned earlier? Yeah, he fulfilled it). He had at least one chance to kill someone before this, as he was clearly watching someone while she was unaware. Instead, he spends most of this time with the corpse of his murdered friend, and proceeds to declare his revenge on the human who broke his face and then to start flirting (specifically, hate-flirting).

Gamzee admits that his current state freaks himself out in one conversation before making the murder threats, and later proceeds to contact the same person again and encourage him to go up to where he'll be, specifically saying, "i wonder if you can all be at with me in time and make me get my reconsider on?" In light of the fact that when the friend in question does show up, he manages to snap Gamzee out of it completely, these statements become at least partially a cry for help. Gamzee is at least partially aware that there's something wrong with him and wants his friend's attention and companionship (if not to be stopped completely), even when he's angry enough to want to destroy the entire universe.

Other changes that become apparent when he's off the drugs is that he's much more observant and capable of thinking ahead. He arranges murder scenes to look like someone else did it, and is able to take advantage of another person's worries and biases to get an outcome that he's looking for. He puts his observational and planning skills to sinister use while he's snapped, but they're definitely there.

Lastly, his best friend does manage to bring him out of the crazy and raging state with what amounts to the powers of friendship. He doesn't seem to be one hundred percent back to sanity afterwards (especially as he still has the morbid obsession with corpses and painting with blood) but he shows concern for his friends again and is much calmer; willing and able to return the calming and comfort his friend gave him. Still very observant as well, because he's the first to notice that a seemingly dead friend isn't as dead as they thought and is arriving while everyone else is consumed with grief.

So taking that all into account, Gamzee's base personality under all the influencing circumstances and events seems to be friendly and chill. He values being social, and is devoted to at least his best friend. He is a little morbid and odd at the best of times, and certainly has underlying anger problems, if only due to his caste being predisposed to such issues, but he's also intelligent and capable of thinking ahead as well as planning on the fly. He is also, as shown in one log, unfortunately easy to manipulate. He doesn't seem aware that his mysterious adviser doesn't have his best interest at heart until he's told point blank that he's a "sucker." He certainly has a whole bunch of flaws, but he's no more predisposed to evil than any of the other trolls.

Powers: In terms of fighting ability, Gamzee is probably one of the strongest trolls, with the potential exception of Vriska (who is god-tier, with all the power that implies). He generally isn't even aware of this, but it's there. He's physically strong enough to hold another troll off the ground with one hand around her wrist and effortlessly scratch his own face with the weapon she was wielding. He is able to wield a variety of weapons with crack skill (bow, clubs, hammer, and others) due to his strife-specibus (think rpg weapons class) of Jokerkind, but he does favor blunt force weapons like clubs and hammers. Additionally, he is insanely fast, capable of flash-stepping too fast to be seen.

In non-combat abilities, he has a sylladex, which functions like an rpg inventory/hammer space. Items are captchalogged (stored) in cards and retrieved through various methods. Gamzee actually has no idea whatsoever how to actually get things out of his sylladex with any predictability, or even the faintest clue how it works. Ergo, the reader doesn't either.

None of the above will be active, except perhaps for events, and Jokerkind would probably be best limited to weapons he's actually seen wielding (bow, clubs, hammer), even if it is temporarily regained.

Gamzee has one additional ability, however, though it will remain entirely dormant until he's sober. This ability is a psychic one called "Chucklevoodoo" and it gives him the ability to discover and manipulate fear(s). The primary way to do this is via dreams, where he can alter the dreamer's subconscious to prominently feature the dreamer's fears to increase them to a potentially great extent. Word of god hints that the ability can also be used to manipulate those who are awake.

This ability is currently dormant, and barring a canon update, is unlikely to be used consciously because he isn't, at present, even entirely aware of who his ancestors are much less their special abilities. So safe to keep, at least until it awakens?

Appearance: Sprite-style
More realistic style

It's hard to tell in the art, but his horns are patterned after a goat's (a specif style, even) and twist and spiral up. They're also the second longest of any of the trolls' horns. He's very skinny, and I also headcanon as pretty tall for a 13 year old.

Suitability/eligibility: Trolls are raised by wild animals and in a cut-throat, kill or be killed environment with the express intent of making them vicious, bloodthirsty, and exceptionally self-sufficient (or, well, dead if they fail that), and additionally Gamzee did surprisingly well in a game with life or death stakes, even while higher than a kite. In canon it takes events cascading in just the right way and manipulation of surgical precision to make him snap, and even then, he does recover. He should be able to handle all that the asylum can throw at him pretty well, or at worst, without snapping permanently.
The three magic words are: youth fountain eternal

Third-Person Sample:
It was a motherfucking miracle, all this energy bubbling up in him like a Faygo that had just been cracked open. Hissssssss. Beautiful. Gamzee twisted around in a little dance in the way that felt most right with the way his heart was all up and pitter-pattering. The spinning made him feel a little dizzy in the best of ways, with the colors fluttering and sliding together like they were dancing too. It helped distract from the way he ached. It had been too long since he'd had a good pie, but the slime was all motherfucking up and gone. But it would be okay, because he had the best fucking friend a troll could ask for, and Karkat would know what to do. Karkat would roll his eyes and snap and snarl, but those miracle words would just come pouring out of his mouth like starbursts all flinging themselves at his hear ducts and Gamzee would get his understand on all like he was meant to. Gamzee smiled. Yeah that was the thing he motherfucking needed right now.

And then maybe Karkat would get his relax on in the horn pile with him. They'd all curl up and jam with their feelings like best motherfucking friends. That was what his heart was up and telling at him right now. Get a feelings jam on with Karkat. All those feels frothing and scraping around in his thinkpan needed to get their sort on. Get some chill on before they knocked him flat on his ass, like the waves did when he up and forgot he was only a little troll up in the great big ocean.

Gamzee hummed to himself, letting the wicked anticipation kick around in his thinkpan. And look, here was Karkat now, up from his nap. A nap sounded like a fucking good thing to be up and at doing; his head felt too heavy on his shoulders. But he was going to up and ask Karkat something but-- Fuck! The thoughts had all fluttered away like fairies. It was motherfucking important too that he ask for this thing he'd up and forgot. Gamzee put all his thinks to up and remembering and--

"Hey, can I help a tired looking brother get his motherfucking nap on?" That had to be it. A nice nap on the motherfucking miracle horn pile he'd up and scraped together was what they both needed.

First-Person Sample:
HeEeY, i'M aLl gEtTiNg A lOoK oN aT a MoThErFuCkIN mIrAcLe Up BeFoRe Me.
iT'S aLl DaZzLiNg At My LoOkStUbS lIkE wE wAs LoNg LoSt LoVeRs AnD sHiT.
FrEsH sLiMe Is WhAt A bRoThEr bE tElLiNg At YoU, bRoThErS aNd SiStErS aLl WiTh Me In ThIs PlAcE.
iT's BeEn ToO mOtHeRfUcKiN lOnG sInCe I'Ve HaD a GoOd PiE aNd My MoUtH iS GeTtInG mOiSt Up At ThE ThInK oF iT.
WhAt I bE nEeDiNg YoU aLl To Up AnD hElP wItH iS fInDiNg A mOtHeRfUcKiN kItChEn.
sO lAy On Me WhErE aT a BrOtHeR cAn Be GeTtInG hIs BaKe On.
My HeArDuCtS aRe StRaInInG aT fOr ThE sOuNd Of ThAt SwEeT dIrEcTiOn yOu Be GiViNg At Me.
i'Ll EvEn Be Up AnD sHaRiNg At My PiE wItH wHo AlL wAnTs A mOtHeRfUcKiN pIeCe.
HoNk HoNk :o)

{{Heeey, I'm all getting a look on at a motherfuckin miracle up before me. It's all dazzling at my lookstubs like we was long lost lovers and shit. Fresh slime is what a brother be telling at you, brothers and sisters all with me in this place. It's been too motherfuckin long since I've had a good pie and my mouth is getting moist up at the think of it. What I be needing you all to up and help with is finding a motherfuckin kitchen. So lay on me where at a brother can be getting his back on. My hearducts are straining at for the sound of that sweet direction you be giving at me. I'll even be up and sharing at my pie with who all wants a motherfuckin piece. Honk honk :o) }}

Anything else? He'll definitely need a recuperacoon and Sopor slime. Actually, he'll need a lot more slime than the other trolls because he... eats it. And eats a lot of it, in fact. I'm fine with him being weaned off of it eventually, but at least initially, allowing him free access to as much as he wants would be better for everybody's health.
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