I have finished watching Tales of Symphonia: The Animation. If you consider that they took the first twenty hours or so of the game, depending on how quickly you play, and smushed it down to two hours, it was really really good.
I'm kinda disappointed that they cut out Palmacosta and Asgard though. My two favorite Sylvarant cities!
Sheena seemed a lot more serious in this than in the game. I think except for one time when we got to see a bit of her clumsiness, she always had a serious expression.
Actually, the whole OVA felt a lot more... depressing than the game. The game was cute and there were a lot of funny parts in it, hugely because of the skits. Most of them were really silly and fun. There were some funny stuff, just not as much.
My favorite episode was the fourth one. Kinda a no-brainer when you think about how much I love Tethe'alla. It covered from right before entering the Tower of Salvation up until using the Rheairds to go to Tethe'alla. It was freaking awesome because they showed like a five second thing of each of the Tethe'alla characters, not including Sheena since she was the one bringing them there.
My favorite of the three was probably Zelos'. (Now that I think about it though, Zelos' scene was a bit longer than the other two's.) He was like, sitting outside the palace in Meltokio and he saw the Rheairds in the sky and he said something like "It looks like it's time for the real show to start." *flails like a crazy person* I agree with him~ When I was playing, it was like going to Tethe'alla is what set the real story into motion.
Also~ They did things a bit differently from the game. Like, Sheena doesn't join up with Lloyd's group after the attack on Luin. Instead she vanished after they invade the Asgard human ranch and then shows up again in the Renegade's base to take them to Tethe'alla. So while she was getting the Rheairds ready for take off, she was explaining the whole "There are two worlds that are linked together" thing to them. So then Lloyd asked her what her world was called since she didn't say the name while she was explaining it to them. And she had the epically awesome expression and she said "Tethe'alla." But the way her voice actress said it was like... Soul searing.
And at the veeeeery end it said "End here: Sylvarant. Begin here: Tethe'alla." And I was all "Eeeeeee!" about it because... I don't know why. It was like, all the good stuff is going to start soon. This ending felt more like a beginning than anything.
And now... I'm wondering how they're going to do all this. I mean, they covered... let's say a third of the game. I feel like it's less than that, but whatever. And even at that, they cut out a LOT of stuff. But the thing about the Tethe'alla part of the story is that... it's kinda hard to explain. It flows in a more strict way that the Sylvarant part. They cut some stuff out of the Sylvarant arc, but it didn't feel THAT awkward. Palmacosta and Asgard were my two favorite cities in Sylvarant, but I can see how you would be able to cut them out without screwing the story up that much.
But Tethe'alla's way different. Let's say that they cut out Presea's story from the plot. Then Rodyle wouldn't kidnap Colette. Which would mean that he wouldn't be making a mana cannon. WHICH WOULD MEAN THERE WOULD BE NO POINT OF HIM IN THE STORY! And they already showed him.
Also! If there was no mana cannon, how would they stop the crazy giant tree!?
In all, I see no way to animate the rest of the game in the rumoured four episodes that Tales of Symphonia: Tethe'alla Chapter is going to get. I say they should just throw in the towel and make a full length, 26 episode anime. D: Tales from the Abyss got a 26 episode anime! Why can't Tales of Symphonia?
And the ending for the first three episodes (The fourth one was too epic for an ending) was done with claymation! So there were little clay version of the Sylvarant characters (Plus Kratos)!