HOLLOW DOG! *find that hilarious*
Hollow dog following Yammy! *even more hialrious*
Awwwww, Hime! Don't be so mean to Hime Ulqiorra! Grrrrr! He gets me so mad sometimes, I could just scream!
Wow. Ichigo though of a new way use his attacks! *impressed* I always pegged him as more of the instict-y type, so it's quite the accomplishment for him to think up something new.
*spazzes* HIME! Oh gawds. I hate Loli and Menoli even more now. Stupid jealous bitches.
This it totally a bad time, but Ulquiorra going "Make me." is so... out of character that it's hilarious. It makes me think of a stubborn little kid.
Whoa! Yammy! I wonder who he's gonna help. It'd be a long shot to say Hime... but I can hope right?
Also1 The title! Last week it was envy! Now it's greed! Maybe Kubo'll use all the sins!