sdjfkljkl ... I-I got tagged by
sesshounokon 1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people.
I ... ended up just letting Sessy pick what she wanted to know about me, but hey. The last two are completely random, so it all works out. /shrugs.
1. Are you a morning person or not? (more like, do yo have the "MUST.GET.UP.EARLY." attitude even if you go to sleep late?) Haha, no. I am definitely not a 'morning person'. When my sleep is disturbed I get cranky to the extreme. I get so little of it, wake up at the strangest things, and I get so frustrated with myself and end up lashing out at the closest vic - person. I swear like a sailor when I first 'wake up' xD Use to amuse friends at slumber parties, I can say that much.
2. Annnd did you ever have pets? /likes pets if you haven't noticed. I've lost track of how many pets I've had. I've had bunnies, fish, cats, and dogs. I love animals. Sassy and Shadow, my lovable little mutts, are with my parents, though, since while the place I live allows pets ... they have to be indoor animals and both of my dogs would not like that. Especially since they'd be sharing with my two cats, BB and Tumbles. Haha, that would be ... an interesting arrangement, I know, but I don't figure I'd want to come home to a messy apartment time and time again. Heh.
3. Also also do you like reading books? /stares at mountain of books piled on her bookcase. I do, I most certainly do. My favorite book I ever read, though, was from when I was ... I think I was in 6th grade? It was called The Last Book in the Universe by Rodman Philbrick and I use to read that book over and over again. Jeez, it's been forever since I've read it, but I still remember how much I enjoyed it. It was so sad, thinking that people would forget how to read one day. It made me wonder what's the purpose, then? If we're going to become a civilization like that, then why write and read at all? I guess I started thinking then and there that kids, just like me, needed to realize the written text can be just as valuable, if not more so, than watching something on TV. Ah hell, I'm rambling. /shuts up now.
4. Oh, and do you have any weird habit? Weird habit? Haha, too many to name! I have an oral fixation, I guess? I love rolling a pencil between my lips and from time to time I catch myself doing it with other things, too. Pens, my tablet pen, remotes, etc. etc.
5. HOW DO YOU LIKE YER CHOCOLATE? I LIKE MY CHOCOLATE DARK, BBY. DARK AND CREAMY AND PURE HEAVENLY GOODNESS. /drools. Rikki, share yours with meeeeee. If my tummy would settle, though, only then. OHOHOH, I KNOW. SAVE ME SOME FOR LATER. ... crap, just realized you still need to get your cookies /facepalms. I APOLOGIZE FOR MY SLOWNESS. IT IS UNFORGIVABLE.
6. Speak any other language beside English? Haha, nope. Not well, at least. I took four ... no wait, five years of Spanish, though. You must teach me your sexy Italian, bb, I really would love to learn it! I'm thinking of signing up for Italian next year, to get my other language credit~ I have to have two, and Latin sadly doesn't count.
7. Now for the random ones ... Let's see. I think scary movies are funny. They're so cliched that they're absolutely, positively funny. I don't know, I'm weird like that. When I bust out laughing during a supposedly scary part? Everyone looks at me like I'm from outer space. Which just makes me laugh more. Too easily amused ftw.
8. Finally, the last one. I'm a pack rat. My closet is full with junk and half of it is probably more than couple years old. I have letters/notes I use to pass back in Highschool, I have old sketches I use to do for art class, I have pictures of the most stupidest things, and not only that I found my old skateboard waaaaaaay in the back the other day when I was looking for something. /laughs. Hell, I didn't even remember bringing the thing when I moved. Anyway, enough of my rambling! There you go, Sessy, eight random facts about yours truly.