those pictures are adorable. and i know what you mean about procrastination. i put off an essay from last wednesday til tonight. and it's due tomorrow.
Carly you're so cute, really. I still want to take millions of pictures of you, they'd probaly be my best ones ever. I'm jealous of the polaroid too. Hangout soon!
in other news- i currently have 3 lj friends who all conspicously belong to a girl named carly...hmm..i believe i am on to something.
in other other news- the only thing peter wentz needs to be boosting is that small peen of may be asking yourself, do you know of peter's small peter? and may i point you in the direction of googling "peter wentz nakkie pics" or something of the sort?..apparently his sidekick was hacked into which released some very interesting photos which made for a very interesting saturday night. ...this was a rediculously long lj comment...for a rediculously cool lj girl :) c
HAHAHA yes i have seen those... oh my god, i almost threw up. but poor guy, some moron hacked into his phone. not cool. but i don't much care for him so hahahaha. pshhh i'm not cool! you are.
i loveeeeeeee american idol auditions, they are hilarious! you look so adorable. and you shouldn't feel like a fat ass at all, so i don't even know what you're talking about.
they really are! thank youuu :) ugh lately i've just been eating the grossest things though! it makes me feel so unhealthy. and btw.. hi! i'm carly. hahah. i just kind of stopped using this journal about two summers ago and i moved usernames twice but never got my old friends from this journal. but i decided to move back here and i kept all my old friends added and i guess you had me added from when i still used this! blaaah run on sentences sorry if you were a bit confused that i just suddenly popped up on your friends page gurrrrrl. ;]
Comments 14
and i know what you mean about procrastination. i put off an essay from last wednesday til tonight. and it's due tomorrow.
well at least i know i'm not alone. procrastination's a bitch.
get differin it works like magic.
really? maybe i'll try it, because what i'm using now is either working very slowly or just.. not at all.
amen to a hangout soon, with our digital/slrs! haha.
in other other news- the only thing peter wentz needs to be boosting is that small peen of may be asking yourself, do you know of peter's small peter? and may i point you in the direction of googling "peter wentz nakkie pics" or something of the sort?..apparently his sidekick was hacked into which released some very interesting photos which made for a very interesting saturday night.
...this was a rediculously long lj comment...for a rediculously cool lj girl :)
HAHAHA yes i have seen those... oh my god, i almost threw up. but poor guy, some moron hacked into his phone. not cool. but i don't much care for him so hahahaha.
pshhh i'm not cool! you are.
you look so adorable.
and you shouldn't feel like a fat ass at all, so i don't even know what you're talking about.
thank youuu :)
ugh lately i've just been eating the grossest things though! it makes me feel so unhealthy.
and btw.. hi! i'm carly. hahah. i just kind of stopped using this journal about two summers ago and i moved usernames twice but never got my old friends from this journal. but i decided to move back here and i kept all my old friends added and i guess you had me added from when i still used this! blaaah run on sentences
sorry if you were a bit confused that i just suddenly popped up on your friends page gurrrrrl. ;]
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