The rules:
1. Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2. Label which you would marry, shag, and throw off a cliff.
3. Provide pictures and the names of 3 people.
4. Post this meme with your answers.
First of all,
tardismate gave me the Tennant trio of Eddington, Casanova and Campbell McBain. Casanova goes over a cliff just on principle. I'll marry Eddington. Don't know McBain, but he sounds Scottish, so I'll give him a shag on the strict condition that he keeps talking.
calliopes_pen gave me Nine, Giles and Ianto. Tough choice! I'll shag Nine, obviously, and marry Giles. That means Ianto, much as I'd love his coffee, goes over the cliff. Just to make things easier, we'll say he's S1 Man-Pain Jones instead of cool SnarkIanto of S2.
scrollgirl gave me Ten, Rose and Dawn. Hmm. Difficult. Well, we'll cliff Ten, because he can regenerate, and Rassilon knows he needs to. This appears to leave me with female choices only, so we'll say I woke up gay. Rose belongs with the Doctor, so I'll catch her at a lonely moment in Pete's world and shag her. That means I marry Dawn. Willow can perform the hippie handfasting, and Dawn and I will live our monster-filled, shiny-haired lives together.