Name: Margie
Are you over 16?: Yes!
Personal LJ:
kikuEmail: honorifics[@]gmail[.]com
Timezone: EST
Other contact: AIM: hikikumori desu
Characters already in the game: n/a
How did you find us?: through a friend's recommendation!
Character name: Japan (Honda Kiku)
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Timeline: Present day
Age: Unknown, physically early 20's
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Presumably a faster heal rate due to being a country so he's immortalish, but not much else. His strengths include being skilled at making miniatures, electronics and drawing.
How would they use their abilities?: He would offers commissions for his work or to fix electronics.
Appearance: Standing at a mere five feet and four inches, Japan is short, compared to the majority of his fellow countries, and slender. His hair is jet black and kept short, bangs and eartails cut blunt, and his eyes are dark brown. When not wearing his white naval uniform, Japan is seen in various yukatas.
Background/Personality:(Mostly working from Hetalia canon with smatterings of history to flesh it out!)
In the early days, Japan was a small country, made of up farming villages which soon evolved into military clans. It's during this time that China found Japan in the woods and decided to take him under his wing, teaching him everything he could, from language to government and everything in-between. He grew up quickly and soon began to resist Chinese influence, rejecting China as his big brother despite how proud China was of him.
Eventually, it reached a point where Japan isolated himself from the world completely (aside from a few trading domains and some ships a few times a year to the Dutch) and worked on bettering himself. During this period of isolation, he quelled the internal conflicts within himself (his -hans and clans often fought over him before this period) and finally achieved peace, leading to flourishing of his society. He was content and happy until America came to pay him a visit and opened his country to the West.
With this new era, Japan dove right into westernization. Always keen on learning more about the cultures and habits of the countries, he worked especially hard in his attempts to imitate Europe and America. (Japan even goes as far as to copy France's actions and words when he visits.) He westernized so quickly out of concern with not keeping up on a global scale that he began to lose sight of his own traditions and longed for the peaceful past. Though he remained a superstitious person, he completely lost touch with his spiritual side, losing the ability to see ghosts and spirits that were once his friends. Eventually, he came to the solution of incorporating western habits and giving them a Japanese spin. Around this time, Japan fought with China over control of Korea. Japan attacked China with a sword from behind and left him scarred to this day.
With westernization well on its way, Japan grew strong within a few decades and sought out friends as there was tension between him and Russia, as a result of the First Sino-Japanese War. As timing would have it, England was as well, pulling out of his own Splendid Isolation. They entered into an alliance together and began a cultural exchange. Soon after this, Japan waged war against Russia, won, and made his mark in the world. For a long time after, Japan was allergic to him and harbored ill wishes towards Russia, going as far as trying to assassinate him at a later time.
Following the chaos of the previous era, Japan entered the Taisho period. It wasn't touched on much in the source material, but during this period, Japan participated in World War I, playing a small part and establishing himself as a great power. There was shifts in power regarding his government, which lead to increasing imperialistic ambitions and leads into the Showa period. Germany introduced Japan to Italy as this point in time and a cultural exchange began between the two. With Japan's rapid development, it eventually lead to him becoming a part of the Axis Powers and entering the second World War.
After the atomic bombings, he finally surrendered and Imperial Japan was no more as he was lead out of the post-war chaos under America's care. Despite low morale and an unstable economy, Japan picked himself up and worked hard to rebuild himself. With a few bumps along the way, he has made it to present day, where he now enjoys visiting his friends and enjoying the new aspects of the new popular culture.
Kiku is a serious and quiet person, appearing very serene at first glance and is very hardworking. Though he seems to be a calm and collected individual, he can get flustered quite easily. As a child, he was slightly more rude and forward; nowadays he is polite to all, no matter what grievances he may have against you. He chooses to swallow down complaints and dislikes. In general, he does not voice his thoughts often, making it difficult to figure out what he's really thinking, and if he does decide to be the tiniest bit rude, it's difficult to tell with how subtle he is. He has a peculiar habit of not being able to outright say "no" and will often give unclear answers in return, leading him to accidentally agree to things he doesn't want to do more than he would like.
Due to his previous withdrawal from society, Kiku still shows many signs of being uncomfortable in people’s company, but he is slowly working towards being more accepting. He’s not fond of physical touch, especially not hugs, and will likely respond negatively. Strangely enough, he aims to spread porn all over the world in an effort to show that it's not just him (and England) that are perverts, it's everyone! The difference being that Japan is hardcore into 2D. Give him a moe waifu over an actual person any day~
He is incredibly difficult to anger, to the point of having to ask Greece to help him practice getting angry where he proceeds to get frustrated over food prices because of his great love of food. (He also had an issue when he was told to give up many of his favorite salted foods.) Japan often acts like an old man, speaking of backaches and high blood pressure, and he can't even remember his own age!
Despite all his strange habits, he thinks of himself as very normal. It's everyone else that's weird.
Have you read up on how the game works?: The name is FlamingFerret! Three ways to earn money is to get a job, mooch off friends, or steal it.
1st person sample:[ The screen flickers on and the image of Japan pulling away as he settles himself right in the middle of the video. ]
Moshi moshi? This is like a video phone, ne...? [ He leans forward again and tilts the screen a tad as he further examines it. ] What a wonderful device. Are there other functions? [ He mumbles to himself, attempting to fiddle with it some more before blushing a bit and shaking his head. Focus, Japan, you must appear assertive. ]
I am quite confused as to what is going on... I am trying my best not to panic, but surely this is a mistake? [ He's very certain he lived past the supposed destruction of his world, after all.]
E-Either way, is there anybody I know out there? Italy-kun or Germany-san? If you could please contact me, it would be most appreciated. Arigatou gozaimasu.
[ He moves to shut the video feed off and you might catch him murmuring, "perhaps this is all a drea--" before it clicks off. ]
3rd person sample:All Japan could do throughout the entire speech was stare listlessly up at the podium as the large man talked. He had arrived ahead of time and now regretted sitting so far up front, but at the very least he wasn't near anybody he knew and preferred it that way. He had spent the entirety of the last two weeks cooped up in his room, typing away at his keyboard and getting a nice computer tan. The only person he had talked to during that time was one of his prefectures and it wasn't even to check up on him!
He shuffled in his seat, patiently waiting for the chance to get away. It was a relief that he was not sitting next to someone familiar (awkward eye contact was never fun), but it made him just as anxious next to a stranger. Maybe if he timed it properly, he could slink away once everyone else stood up to leave as well and just leave. All Japan wanted to do was stay indoors and catch up on his anime, even if he could feel the onset of back pain and he could swear his finger joints creaked every time he typed these days.
As the speech finally ended, Kiku noticed everyone making their way to the picnic area instead of leaving. He let out a little sigh. Maybe some food would be alright. Keep the socializing to a minimum then sneak away. Good plan. He made his way over to the drinks table and searched around to see if they had any tea.
Questions?: Nope!
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes'm.
yeah, i'm just jacking this from caps hi
general;How do you feel about 4th wall breaking?
→ Go right ahead!
Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character?
→ Nothing in particular. He has secrets, but it won't be too big of a deal for people to know them.
How do you feel about threadjacking?
→ Feel free to do it!
What about spamming your posts?
→ My inbox can take it!
How about sudden action threads? You post an entry, and a character starts an [action] thread, apparently knowing where your character is somehow, or just randomly bumping into them. In some cases it might be realistic (if they're roommates, for instance), but should they ask first?:
→ If there's a good reason for it (like it's nothing top-secret and hush hush that Japan's trying to hide), please go ahead. :)
regarding nihon;Name: Japan, Honda Kiku.
What species is your character?
→ He's a country, does that count as a species??
Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense?
→ They might be able to sense something ~different~ about him since he's a country.
What does your character's soul look like?
→ Tired-looking with a warm peach tone, sometimes flickering between a more red color to golden.
Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul?
→ His mood and overall tiredness - 3-)
Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense?
→ Nah, there's nothing too special about him.
Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'?
→ Maybe the scent of tea?
Can your characters thoughts be read? Only surface thoughts? Are characters free to dig into tragic pasts and hidden secrets? Or will they only know what they are thinking at the exact moment their thoughts are being read?
→ Exact moment of thoughts, preferably. Tragic past events are a no-no.
Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy?
→ Shur.
Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers?
→ Ifff ya'd like.
Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow?
→ If it's within your abilities.
Is it possible to sense your character's emotions? Intentions?
→ Emotions, yes; intentions, no.
Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up?
→ Only around sensitive matters.
Can your character be mind-controlled?
→ Hum, ask me about what you'd like to do with him under mind-control and we'll see.
ret's fight;Is he/she a capable fighter?
→ Yes, he's lived a very long time and proficient in various martial arts. Whether or not his body is up to the task is the question, aha.
Can I punch/cut/shoot/hit with a car/stab/HURT HIM IN GENERAL?
→ SURE, just nothing permanent, please.
Can I kill him/her?
→ Nope, countries don't die easily anyway.
In terms of winning and losing, where would you rather they stand?
→ It doesn't really matter, I'd prefer if we measured the level of skill between the two fighting!
Could you rather fade to black and just assume what happened?
→ This is totally cool in my book.
rabu rabu doki doki;So, can I fall in love with him/her?
→ LIKE THAT'S POSSIBLE LOL but go ahead.
Can I hit it?
→ No, that's like level 300 with maximum difficulty mode.
Can I kiss him/her?
→ Sure, but he's not going to react positively!
What's his/her orientation anyway?
→ 2D fo' life.
Are you willing to play out any relationships?
→ Yes, but you'll have to understand relationships are definitely not Japan's forte, so it'll be a huge struggle IC. :B
And with castmates?
→ Same as above!