Random awesome things I'm reminded of/learning reading Dreamweaver's Dilemma

Oct 30, 2007 16:43

  • In the first draft of what became Shards of Honor, the first book she appears in, she was a red-haired Federation scientist, and Aral was a Klingon

  • She has a nametwin, Cordelia Naismith (Naismith is, if you don't know, her maiden name) in Bujold's short story The Lady on the Embankment. She's the amnesiac victim of an attempted murder that Sherlock Holmes is attempting to solve, and is a lot like her nametwin. A lot as in the only reason I'm remembering that this isn't Cordelia Vorkosigan is the Victorian surroundings. She also thoroughly scandalizes Watson by being such an unconventional woman. :D

  • I may have to keep a copy nearby just for the geneologies and timelines. Also, I like the explanation for Beta Colony's history and importance: It's the only colony that preceded Earth's internal meltdown and the wormhole drive. (Well, there was an Alpha Colony, but it suffered Roanoke's fate.) It was settled by the United States prior to the U.S.'s fall from hegemony, and thus was the only colony that was settled by a single, currently-existing government. This goes a long way towards explaining Beta's clear dominance over basically everyone but Earth, and Earth's position in the ranking of nations comes as much from the fact that humanity came from there as power, was the impression I got. (I'd have to reread Brothers in Arms again to be sure, and that was one of her weakest books, so whatever.)

    ...Yes, I'm kind of a dork for fictional politics.

  • Huh. I keep forgetting about the Komarr Revolt's existence. Not surprising considering it was a side comment in one (okay, maybe two books), but still. Doubt it impacted Cordelia all that heavily, but I'd be surprised if there weren't more assassination attempts on her at that point. ...I doubt, considering Vordarian's fate, there were any more assassination attempts on Miles during the war.

  • Cordelia's biography in the character listing and pronunciation guide at the end: Betan Astronomical Survey, captain of the Rene Magritte, and of a strategically key decoy in the Excobaran Expeditionary Force, incidentally ended the Vordarian Pretendership in rescuing her son, Lady, then Countess Vorkosigan.

    ...The "incidentally" amuses me.

  • I'll probably copy the Vorkosigan geneology one of these days. Today is not that day.
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