I cried reading the messages.
Tokusatsu cast cheers kids via Twitter OOO-Time version This is so sweet of them~ It really like the most ultimate epic crossovers of toku universe!
And well... a sample of the tweets. I might as well be doing some of the other messages if no one else doing it already. I guess I'll be doing the rest of the Magimessages in this entry as I did it. I won't say that my translation would be 100% accurate, but hopefully I could get the meaning close enough. (and partly doing this because I want to know what they said, and brushing my rustic Japanese)
From MagiRed, Ozu Kai (Because I'm a bit fond of Kai nowadays)
ちびっ子のみんな大丈夫か!?魁ちんだよ。今, 俺も戦ってる最中なんだ。でも決してあきらめないよ。皆の笑顔を守るために!だから皆も絶対に諦めないで。こんな時こそ勇気を出すんだ! 頑張ろう!
Every kids out there are you alright!? It’s Kai-chin! Right now, I’m also still fighting. But I will not give up. I’ll protect everyone’s smile! So everyone also, you must definitely not give up. This time also I will gather up my courage! Let’s work hard! @MagiRed/Ozu Kai
From MagiYellow, Ozu Tsubasa
みんな!こんにちは!今みんなができること…それは, あふれる勇気を笑顔にかえるんだ!今はつらくても, きっと勇気は笑顔にかわる!そして笑顔はさらなる勇気に変わる!この魔法がみんなに届くように!マジカ
Everyone! Helo! Now, everyone can do it…so, your smiles will change into overflowing courage! Right now it might be painful, but surely the smiles will change into courage! Then the smiles will turn into even more courage! Everyone will be able to receive this magic! Magika! @MagiYellow (Tsubasa)
One of MagiBlue, Ozu Urara's message
マジ ジジル!今がんばっているみんなが水晶に見えます。綺麗な光が見えます。少し時間はかかりそうだけれど, みんなの溢れる勇気が魔法をくれる。怖くてさみしくて泣いてしまう時は空を見て!ヒカル先生とスモーキーと一緒に, みんなを見守っているよ。
Magi Gigiru! Right now through my crystal ball, I see people working hard. I see a beautiful light. But it would take some time now, before the magic would give everyone overflowing courage. At the time you might feel scared, lonely and wanting to cry... please look at the sky! Together with Hikaru-sensei and Smoky, we’ll be watching over everyone. @MagiBlue, Ozu Urara
I'll continue later... Makito and Hikaru's message had been translated earlier, and one of Urara's other messages also done. I'll see if there's some others that left untranslated.