Mar 23, 2011 00:31
Slow day~~~had a random post Magi fic muse.Told ya I had my writing muse back~
最強のオレ様が何故負けたのか?それは電王とキバが力を合わせたからだ。一つ一つは小さな力でも、それを合わせる事によって何倍にもなるようだな。その事をよーく覚えておくんだぞ坊主ども。オレっていい事言うなぁ。ん?自分で言うなって?ハッハッハッ。また会おう!@ネガタロス/ネガ電王 緑川光
Why is it the powerful me have lost? It was because Den-O and Kiva had joined hands against me. One by one, little by little... somehow they grew many times fold. I remembered that well, so much I’d shave my head*. I’d say it’s been good. Hmm? What to say to yourself? Hahaha! See you again! @Negataros/Nega Den-O, Midorikawa Hikaru
うれしかったことたのしかったこと、きょうもおはなしできたかな?もしふあんでできなくてもたいじょうぶ。てをつなごうね。そのてはわたしたちとつながってるよ。 @『ウルトラマンメビウス』アマガイコノミ隊員/平田弥里
Things that made you happy, things that made you sad... today as well, what kind of things have you talked about? Even if you cannot stop being anxious, it’s all right. Held out your hands okay? That hand will connect you to us. @Ultraman Mebius, Amagai Konomi/Hirata Misato
Heh~ Finally an actual message from Marvelous in the twitter!
みんな, 頼もしい仲間から通信が入ったぞ!オレはゴーカイレッド, キャプテン・マーベラスだ!みんな苦しいし泣きたいよな。でもな, 君たちの近くにはすげー奴らがついている。それはお父さん, お母さん, 助けているみなさん, 今一緒にいる人達だ!みんなのために一生懸命戦ってくれてるんだぜ!
Everyone, I managed to get into this transmission through a reliable ally. I am GokaiRed, Captain Marvelous! It's been painful, everyone must have felt like crying, isn't it? But kids, by your side right now there are a lot of great people. Those people are your fathers, mothers, other people who are helping; right now they are working together to help everyone! For everyone's sake, they're doing their best to overcome this!
みんなで一緒に!ゆうきでろでろ!昔, つばさにやってもらった時, とってもゆうきがでたんだよ。うらら☆甲斐麻美
Everyone together! *Courage, come out come out! Just like that time when I received this charm from Tsubasa, you’d definite get your courage. Urara☆Kai Asami
* "Yuuki, dero dero" - a charm given to Urara and Tsubasa by their mother Miyuki, to give them courage
g: tokusatsu,
t: twitterjp