Mar 24, 2011 19:40
I lost count already how many times I did this~ XP Then again not really that hard to count the post hahahaOOO/Wpun
あったかいものたべてるかな?みんなげんきにしてるかな。よるはいっぱいねむってるかな? @ウルトラマンエース 南夕子/星光子
Have you eaten something warm? Everyone please take care of yourself. Have you been sleeping properly at night? @Ultraman Ace, Minami Yuko/Hoshi Mitsuko
- I guess a part of me would still be biased to my fav series. hahahaha~
地球の皆さん…! いつもはヒーロー達をやっつける為に武器を売りあるいている私だが今回は皆の為に応援しよう、 諦めずに頑張るんだ。 エージェント・アブレラより(中尾隆聖)
Everyone on Earth! As always, I have the weapon that can be used to defeat the heroes so now for everyone’s sakes, cheer for them. Do your best and never give up. From Agent Abrera (Nakao Ryusei)
- It's kinda tricky to word this message. Language and all, having the villains being the way they are yet sort of trying to give a cheer to the kids... hopefully the meaning didn't stray too far.
仮面ライダー2号・一文字隼人だ!俺も火事で家と体全部を焼いた過去がある。仕事も家族も全て失った。だがそんなどん底からも俺は這い上がって来た。だから俺の言葉を信じてくれ! 悲しみの涙は必ず、喜びの涙に代わる日が来る。じゃあ俺からのライダーパワーを受け取ってくれ!……変身!@佐々木剛
This is Kamen Rider No 2, Ichimonji Hayato! In the past, my home... my body, everything had been engulfed in fire. My family, my work... I lost everything. But from that depth I climb out of it. That’s why you must believe my words! Those tears of sorrows would one day surely, change into tears of happiness. Then please accept this Rider Power from me! ... ... Transform! @Sasaki Takeshi
- Hope I translated this right. Since there's series reference.
がんばれ がんばれ がんばれ 地球の兄弟達が みんなを応援してるよ @ウルトラマンティガ GUTS副隊長ムナカタ/大滝明利
Do your Best, Do your Best, Do your Best, I’m rooting for all of you, my fellow comrades on this earth. @Ultraman Tiga, GUTS Lieutenant Munakata/Akitoshi Ohtaki
ゲタゲェ~タァ~ ゴーカイジャーはおもしろかったでござるか? これからは、にちようびにいろいろなレンジャーにあえるようにがんばるでござるので、よいこのみんなもおともだちとなかよくあそんでほしいでござる! ゲタゲェ~タァ~ @ゴーオンジャー・キャリゲーター/津久井教生
Getage~ta~ Was Gokaiger interesting? From now on, get some friends and relatives to have some fun on Sundays and see the rangers in various colours doing their best! Getage~ta~~~ @Go-onger, Carrigator/Kyousei Tsukui
** I don't claim any of my translations are fully accurate, so if I mistranslate anything feel free to remind~
g: tokusatsu,
t: twitterjp