Mar 30, 2011 19:19
It's been a while...
やぁ~元気かい! 俺自身が、ヒーローを通じて感じ得た事だけど・・・ 前と上に目的を持てば、必ず!一歩前進できる!!『健康と希望は宝』だぜ~ よろしく勇気!! @バトルケニア・デンジブルー・宇宙刑事ギャバン こと 大葉健二
Yo~ Are you well? Through the feelings I had as a hero that I have gained... I myself feel that what happened before, there must have been a purpose for it! Keep one step forward! 『Your health and hope is your treasure』isn’t it~ that was courage!! @Battle Kenya, DenjiBlue, Space Cop Gavan aka Oba Kenji
- This time, I'm not really sure of some of the wording, if anyone else could reword it better feel free to comment. Especially the last one. since there wasn't any specific meaning for 'yoroshiku'.
『いいか!子供達!!おれは光の国にはいられなかったが、いつか俺様が地球に行くまでは頑張るんだぞ!ワッハッハッハッハ!!』@大怪獣バトルウルトラ銀河伝説 ウルトラマンベリアル役/岩上弘数
『Listen, kids! I can no longer live in the Land of Light, someday I’ll to come to Earth so do your best! Wahahahaha!!』@ Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends, Ultraman Belial/Iwakami Hirokazu (Suit Actor)
- This one as well. I'm not really sure Belial coming to earth being any good... ^_^;;
みんなこんにちは!きょうはにちようびだから、ゴーカイジャーが地球をまもってくれていたみたいだよ。おれはねぼうしてみのがしたけどね…ナイテルゾッヘ(;_;ヘ) デカグリーン/せんちゃん
Everyone, good day! Today is Sunday, I wanted to watch Gokaiger protect the Earth again. But I slept a bit late so I missed it... I want to cry ヘ(;_;ヘ) DekaGreen, Sen-chan
- Haha~ This one would have been better posted on the day itself lol~ Oh Sen-chan~
『Was it difficult? Did it hurt? Did you feel sad? Was it hard? Was it cold? Was it painful?』 But you know, these feelings are a proof that you are alive. So that’s why, you have to keep on living. Even if we have to overcome so much in this time, happiness would definitely come. As long as we work hard, you will not be betrayed. @R3, F5/ Shibue Masaru
- Hope I translate this right.
(Haii... hate it when the browser backbuttoned when I actually wanted to delete some words.)
g: tokusatsu,
t: twitterjp