Just gonna let out here. I don't even care if said person saw this or not.
Apparently someone was asking me for help but I did not notice it and said person took heart and left to help themselves. You know? Considering you DID get up and help yourself from whatever dire predicament you've been in, meaning you DON'T REALLY need my help anyway. Do take care of yourself. I will not make any excuse to defend myself but I was tired AS WELL at that time and as usual during events, when I'm tired I also don't hear very well and have very short attention span. YES, I was chatting with someone at that time and I did asked you to wait a bit before I paid attention to you. Do remember that you're already lying in that position when I arrived and seeing there's also other friends around that were also minding themselves I assumed you're just resting. Else, other people would have fussed as well. If you're really in trouble, why do you have to wait till it got so bad that you'd require people to tend to you? Why didn't you asked those other people too? Yes, it was selfish for me to keep chatting while apparently you're being nearby in agony, but well... I'd like to be selfish at times amongst friends too. So suck it. And you should have just say what it is you wanted to say, if you thought I already heard you. So even if I barely heard it and didn't pick up on it--the person who I was talking with would have been able to alert me.
And talking with people kept me being awake and not think of the migraine I was having, so yeah. And it's been a while since I get to long-wind talk with people, so those moments are something that I cherish a lot. And since people often call out my name for no reason, I ended up tuning them out naturally. And just because I told you to wait a moment does not mean I won't pay attention to you. My mind at times do go one-track mode. I have to finish one thought first before jumping on another else I'll forget about it. But you just left like that, so I assumed it's NOT important. And you managed to get up JUST FINE and sulk and saved yourself from 'dying' so you should be fine.
I was unwell too. Not like I cared if other people were aware of it but some people noticed it and call me over and just let me chill and that's just dandy. I just mind myself going around alone because I'm not really good with hanging out with people... and not talking. And I don't feel like going to a pharmacy just to get some pills since my head wasn't that hurting too bad and it's not like I couldn't bear with it. If I could just man it up you could too. If no one bothered helping you, then just swallow it and help yourself. As if people knowing things belated like this could change things already done. I'd prefer people to just tell me outright then and there instead of doing the indirect attack. So that if wanna offer apologies also can do.
And people often ignore me some other times. And even if I didn't even intended to be spiteful whenever it happened, I do ignore people as well. That's fair. You ignored me at times too. Even during those times you asked for my help and I did pay attention to you and waited on you and you end up forgetting about it and got some other people to help you... without informing me of the change of plans. Do I sulk on it? Do I give silent treatments to you? No. Usually I just brushed it away. Since I reasoned that you just forgot and don't think much on it. But this time I didn't help and you sulked. I think this happened before too with similar effect.... but not like my goldfish brain remembered. And you still lived anyway, so you're just FINE.
But untungla... then no more need to ask me occasionally if can tumpang my house, right? Syukurla. I should remind self to say No more often too.
Yes, right now I'd like to be a scumbag too. It's the time of the month anyway.