This is a DRAFT!!! (Normally I would never do this, lol, but this song is different...)
Annnddd for the sake of this post, I am not Japanese, Japanese is not my native language and this is a draft (I repeat). Please DO NOT USE THIS ANYWHERE!!! (If you're dying to use it, please contact me, I don't bite, really!!!). I'm 100% sure there are errors here and I'm posting this to hopefully get some feedback/input or at least comments since I'm hammy like that. Anyway, this song speaks volumes to me. It truly is beautiful and I know there is no way to quite express it's beauty when translating it since something is always lost when you change languages.
It's been awhile since I've heard a song with these kind of lyrics. They're simple yet they go straight to the heart. Not many groups/singers have lyrics like these. Normally I wouldn't try to translate such a song (songs that really really get me, I won't translate) but I wanted to try this one. Oh yeah, the CD isn't out with this song so the kanji may have has errors.
ひとつのうた (One Song)
キラキラ輝く 夢を抱き 旅している
移ろいゆく景色 全ての色を愛しく思う
I’m on a journey, holding my glittering dream
The passing scenery, I think of all the colors fondly
君住む街向かう バスの中で口ずさむ
流れるような 音符並べて 今届けよう
On the bus heading towards the town you live in, I hum to myself
A melody with lovely words
Arranging the musical notes which seem to flow, I send them to you now
いつまでも肩を並べて 君と歩く泣いて笑って
惹かれたのは ここにある 熱いモノが 似ているから きっとそうだろう
Always shoulder-to-shoulder I walk with you, we cry, we laugh
I was attracted because the passionate thing here resembles you
I’m sure that’s it
La La... 何度も歌うよ
La La... 君を想いながら
La La... 喜び悲しみ
La La... 全て抱きしめて
La La… While thinking of you
La La…I’ll sing over and over
La La…Holding everything
La La…joy, sadness
また逢えて良かった 輝いていた君はまた
ここから見えるモノ この景色はね宝物だよ
I’m glad I was able to meet you again, you, who was shining, again
What I can see from here, this scenery is my treasure
本当は不安になって 見失いそうになってしまっても
僕らの行く旅路を 灯りになって 照らしてくれた もう迷わない
The truth is, I’ve become uneasy, and even when I seemed to be losing sight (of what’s ahead)
The journey we’re going on, became a light and shined down for me
I won’t lose my way anymore
どこまでも澄みきった世界 君といれば そう信じられる
大事なもの ひとつひとつ重ねよう それが未来へ 繋がっていくから
The world’s serene everywhere, if I’m with you, I can believe that
One by one, let’s stack our precious things
Because that’ll connect us to the future
明日になればまた次の街 伝えたい言葉がまだありすぎて
ありがとうの言葉だけでは足りない だけど本当感謝してる
When tomorrow comes, I’ll be in the next city, there are still so many words I want to convey
Just the words, “thank you,” aren’t enough, but I truly am grateful
La La...
いつまでも 肩を並べて 君と歩く 泣いて笑って
惹かれたのは ここにある 熱いモノが 似ているから きっとそうだろう
Always shoulder-to-shoulder I walk with you, we cry, we laugh
I’m attracted because the passionate thing here resembles you
I’m sure that’s it
どこまでも澄みきった世界 君といれば そう信じられる
大事なモノ ひとつ ひとつ 重ねよう それが未来へ繋がっていくから
The world’s serene everywhere, if I’m with you, I can believe that
One by one, let’s stack our precious things
Because that’ll connect us to the future
La La... 何度も歌うよ
La La... 君を想いながら
La La... ここはかけがえのない
La La... みんなといる場所
La La... 誰もがみんな
La La... ひとりじゃないんだよ
La La... きっとまたここで
La La…While thinking of you
La La…I’ll sing over and over
La La…This is a precious
La La…place, here with everyone
La La…No one
La La…is alone
La La…Surely, again, here
I want to meet you
Okay, they are so talking about their tours and the fans here, right?! XD