Before we get started, I'd like to thank geckoholic a million times over for making the lovely banner for this meme. You can find her graphics community at bl00dredskies.
supernatural curse/illness, depression, any genre
May 30 2011, 17:23:47 UTC
Dean is cursed or infected by something that augments your emotions. But this being set anytime from s4 to post-series (I’m thinking of what Famine said about Dean’s emptiness in My Bloody Valentine and I definitely don’t think that’s wholly healed) it’s less of an outpouring of visible emotion for the most part and more of an all-consuming, don’t-want-to-even-get-out-of-bed depression.
This leads to them having to confront that this is how Dean feels on a regular basis, just at a lower level. :(
Re: FILLED: Atrophy 7/7mad_serverJune 1 2011, 03:58:09 UTC
Whoa. The shame of coming back to Sam with no food and no explanation and now everything's closed, and the forehead-feeling, and the pitiful pitiful can-barely-stay-standing shower, and "Don't make me make airplane noises, asshole," and the tears finally pouring all over everything, and the gentle gentle Sam-kisses. And the disturbing disturbing temptation toward suicide. This is hurty and awesome.
Re: FILLED: Atrophy 7/7asiajournalJune 13 2011, 13:31:40 UTC
And Dean said "love" too. I'm glad it's over. I'm glad it happened too. At least Sam now know how Dean feels on daily basis and could watch out for it.
Re: FILLED: Atrophy 7/7amberdreamsOctober 2 2011, 16:07:48 UTC
Just found this via SD_recs and it was even more awesome after watching the first two episodes of Season 7 - with both boys hurting so badly mentally I could see a melt down like this one coming... Very achy hurty wonderful.
Re: FILLED: Atrophy 7/7katiki7December 10 2011, 21:08:58 UTC
Hi. This was just recced under "hidden gems" over at hoodietime, and I'm glad they did because this is indeed a hidden gem! I loved all of it, and especially the last line.
This leads to them having to confront that this is how Dean feels on a regular basis, just at a lower level. :(
“Don’t you make me make plane noises, asshole,” Sam said.
moaning when the nothing got to be too much
Wow. Wonderful!
I'm glad it's over. I'm glad it happened too. At least Sam now know how Dean feels on daily basis and could watch out for it.
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