I don’t know quite what the theme of this rec post is, (Dean and his defense mechanisms? Dean and his vices? Idk.) but something made me group these fanworks together. Besides them all being awesome, I mean. ;D
I Can't Get EnoughAuthor:
apodiopsysTags: pain, psychological issues, self-harm (of a sort)
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: N/A
Spoilers: Through 3x12
Warnings: N/A
Summary: It's not... this thing he has with pain, flirting with danger until he gets hurt, it's not normal.
Reccer’s comments: In which Dean has a kink. This is both super hot and intriguing.
I'm OK, You're OKAuthor:
de-nugisTags: depression, nausea/vomiting, suicidal ideation
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word-count: 1650
Spoilers: through 7x06
Warnings: hints of suicidal tendencies
Summary: “Suicide by angel was bad enough,” says Sam, “Trying to get yourself eaten is just gross.”
Reccer’s comments: This was wonderful, and made me hurt for both Dean and Sam.
the cavern of lost dreamsAuthor:
i_speak_tongueTags: abandonment issues, crying!Dean, depression, fever, hospitalization, pneumonia, psychological issues, suicidal ideation
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen, Pre-series/dual timeline, h/c
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 5364
Spoilers: 7x06
Warnings: Suicidal Ideation
Summary: It's about a dog. It's about two boys and something that they thought was lost forever. It's about admitting limitations. It's about finding hope.
Reccer’s comments: I’m fascinated by where Dean’s headspace is at this point in the show. (Well, I’m always fascinated by where Dean’s headspace is, but yeah.) Anyway, I doubt they'll delve this much into it onscreen, but I very much feel like THIS must be what it’s like for Dean this season, and I love
i_speak_tongue for going there. <3
The Sam POV is excellent too, and I really enjoyed the flashbacks to pre-series boys and the way the author tied them into the present day.
The Fourth TimeAuthor:
st-salieriTags: hospitalization, overdose, substance abuse (alcohol), suicidal ideation
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2260
Spoilers: Season 6
Warnings: Angst, bad language, discussion of self-harm
Summary: The fourth time Dean woke up changed everything.
Reccer’s comments: I've recced this before, as a guest reccer at
sawedoff-recs, but I totally have to rec it here too. This fic gives us a season-6 era Dean who accidentally overdoses. I have a bit of an obsession with Dean’s mystery pills, and I found this look at the subject matter to be brilliant. It avoids being over-the-top, and feels all too true to life. Sam's fear and anger and concern are like a living thing, and Deannnnn. ;_;
zero integrityAuthor:
stella_downTags: alcoholism, drugs (medical), overdose
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1608
Spoilers: through 7x03
Warnings: drugs, OD'ing, gross imagery, unhappiness
Summary: Dean tries washing his painkillers down with a couple of shots of Jack. It doesn't go well.
Reccer’s comments: This is raw and kind of devastating, just so you know. Which I happen to LOVE. An excellent coda to 7x03.
Other (1 vid, 1 picspam):
the green grass of a ditchArtist/Picspammer:
smilla02Tags: alcoholism, psychological issues, substance abuse (alcohol)
Characters: Dean (but also Sam, Cas, Bobby, Rufus)
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: through the series
Warnings: substance abuse
Summary: Dean & Drinking: an overview.
Reccer’s comments:
smilla02’s commentary here is very insightful, and the pics she’s used/altered are beautiful. This is well-worth a look, or ten.
Save Me from MyselfVidder:
eyestoowideTags: depression, hell/post-hell issues, psychological issues, substance abuse (alcohol)
Characters: Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen, Character Study, Angst
Rating: PG (rated by reccer)
Spoilers: up to 7x04
Warnings: nothing that hasn’t been seen on the show
Summary: A closer look at Dean's downward spiral into depression and self-destructive behavior. Set to Save Me from Myself, by Vertical Horizon.
Reccer’s comments: I loved this look into Dean’s current state of mind. It expertly shows us both where he is now, and the ways in which he got there.