two S3 AU recs

Jun 29, 2012 14:59

You know what's one of my favorite things? Dean's post hell issues. That much might or might not be established. XD I've read and loved tons of fics that were written during and after S4, but I sometimes tend to forget that Dean and hell already got writers going before S4 aired. So. Have two oldies, both written during the hellatus between S3 and S4.

Title: Animals in Cellophane
Author: smilla02
Tags: supernatural powers, hell/post-hell issues
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: gen
Rating: R
Word-count: ~2800
Spoilers: up to and for "No Rest For The Wicked"
Warnings: none
Summary: Sam always apologizes for who Dean is, but he never does for the man Sam has become.
Reccer’s comments: Very effective writing, as elegant as it is brutal. Dean's not so much hurt as out of sorts here, forever changed and scared on the outside as well as the inside.

Title: Faded from the Winter (The Driftwood and Indra Remix)
Author: balefully
Tags: hell/post-hell issues, memory loss
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: ~4600
Spoilers: up to and for "No Rest For The Wicked"
Warnings: none
Summary/prompt: Sam has faith that Dean will return, no matter how long he may be lost.
Reccer’s comments: Again, not exactly a gift basket of psychological issues, but this version of Dean after his stint in hell is nevertheless heartbreaking. The fic is also downright beautiful in the imagery it paints, and, not least of all, pretty darn hot.

[genre» other: au/ar], hell/post-hell issues, [genre: slash], [setting: season 03], &fic, [genre: gen], amnesia/memory loss, bottom!dean, !recs, supernatural powers

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