post-purgatory fic rec

Dec 12, 2012 15:48

Reccing this because as far as I know it was posted to Tumblr only and might've escaped your attention. XD

Title: Disarm
Author: nyoka
Tags: purgatory/post-purgatory issues, ptsd, insomnia
Characters: Dean, Castiel
Genre/pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: ~2400
Spoilers: S8, up to recent canon
Warnings: none
Summary: Dean’s driving just for the hell of it.
Reccer’s comments: This isn't overly hurt-y, but it nevertheless does a great job of showing Dean's state of mind post-purgatory, how jittery and restless he his. Also, it's really, really beautifully written.

[genre: slash], [pairing: dean/castiel], insomnia, [setting: season 08], ptsd, &fic, [character: castiel], !recs, purgatory/post-purgatory issues

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