I thought it might be a nice idea if
hoodie_time had our own beta-reader list, so from now on this post will always be open for anyone looking for a beta and/or interested in becoming a beta of Dean-focused hurt/comfort fic. Please scroll down for more info.
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tressebleue Find and/or become a Beta Reader
Looking to sign up as a beta reader?Looking for a beta reader? Looking to sign up as a beta reader?
Just copy, paste, fill out, and post the comment form below as a comment to this post at any time if you’d like to volunteer your services as a beta. There are only two rules:
01) You must be a fan of Dean-focused hurt/comfort.
02) If at some point you know you’re going to be unavailable for a long period of time, whether you’ll be busy with other writing commitments or you're going on internet-less vacation for the summer or you’re leaving fandom, please try and remember to come back to this post and edit your comment to that effect, or delete it if need be. Keep your info up to date.
Example of how to fill out your comment form:
Contact info: PM/e-mail (whatever’s best for you, but make sure to leave your e-mail address if that’s your choice)
Genres/pairings you will beta: Gen, het, slash, Wincest, pre-series, smut, crossovers, deathfic, AUs, crack!fic, Dean/Sam, Dean/Castiel, Dean/Alistair, Dean/OMC, Dean/OFC, etc.
Genres/pairings you won't beta: Gen, het, slash, Wincest, pre-series, smut, crossovers, deathfic, AUs, crack!fic, Dean/Sam, Dean/Castiel, Dean/Alistair, Dean/OMC, Dean/OFC, etc.
Beta strengths/special skills: grammar/spelling/plot/canon/Sam-voice, etc. If you know Latin, French, your Bible, etc, those are special skills.
Length of the fics you'd beta: drabble/stand-alone/multi-chapter/novel-length, etc.
Any other info: any squicks, if you’re available for fast and dirty beta, your other fandoms, or anything else you want to add.
To use, just copy, paste, and fill out this form as a comment to this post:
Contact info:
Genres/pairings you will beta:
Genres/pairings you won't beta:
Beta strengths/special skills:
Length of the fics you'd beta:
Any other info:
Fyi, this post will remain indefinitely for sign-ups/browsing.
Thanks in advance, guys, and if you have any comments or questions please PM me, or e-mail me at hoodietime [at] gmail [dot] com.
Looking for a beta reader?
Please browse the beta-reader list in the comments to this post.
And if you don't have any luck here, try spn_betas. It's an LJ community created to bring together Supernatural fanfic/RPS writers and beta-readers. ;)
➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.