I say the right things, but act the wrong way

Jan 08, 2007 17:33


Full name: James Potter
Birthdate: December 5, 1959

Occupation: Auror
Pets: An adorable owl named Sassy
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Patronus: A heron, and don't make fun of him for it either, he doesn't appreciate that. James is a sensitive boy.


James still retains a muscular build inherited from his Quidditch days. He is yet rather lanky, having quite a bit of height to him. James rarely opts to wear Wizarding robes, instead donning Muggle attire. He thinks he looks rather dashing in a set of jeans and a t-shirt. They're much more attractive than flowing robes, in any case.

James's jet black hair is a constant source of worry for him. It sticks up in the most unreasonable of places. Honestly, if it could just lay down flat, that would be excellent. Sometimes he'll stare in the mirror and try to give it a pep talk about why exactly it should stay down. He'll list all the things he has to do that day that require nice hair, and hopefully with a bit of reasoning, his hair will listen and comply with his wishes. But it is never to be.

He thinks his glasses give him character, despite how dorky he might look in them. But they do serve as a hindrance in seeing what's behind them. His clear light coloured eyes. When he takes his glasses off, James is always surprised to look in the mirror and see how startlingly bright his eyes are. They always seem dimmed through the lense of his glasses.

When James laughs, you can see his whole face light up. He wears his emotions on his sleeve for the most part, and isn't ashamed of that. When he's sad, he's sad. When he's happy, he's happy. There isn't any deceitfulness about that. Though, he does have a tendency to get quite mischevious at times. But even then, it's clearly written across his face that he is up to No Good.

Personality: Intelligent, sexy, talented, gorgeous, conceited, handsome, devious, good-looking, mischevious, pretty, friendly, attractive, out-going

As a child, James was something of a trouble maker. His parents had no end of trouble with him. He seemed to be attracted to everything that was forbidden to him. It was a trait that wasn't quite stamped out of him, when he left for Hogwarts. When James learned of all the mischief he could cause at this new place, he jumped at the chance. And armed with a partner in crime, James wreaked havoc as best as he could. It was what he loved to do. Put his mind to a task, and accomplish it. If only he could put his mind to something a bit more... benign.

Having grown up quite spoilt, James got something of a rather large head. His mother thought the world of him, and consequently James felt that everyone else should as well. He was a brilliant kid, after all. Handsome. Talented. What wasn't to like? For several years, James strutted around Hogwarts as if he owned the place. His arrogance was almost astounding. An amazing thing to see, actually. It didn't help when he joined the Quidditch team third year. Chaser! And, as it were, he was quite brilliant at that as well. The whole of Gryffindor worshipped him, whenever he would win them a match. And James had no doubt that it was his skill as a chaser that won them matches. The snitch was only a secondary thing. It was the chasers that made the game. Everyone knew that.

With the ease at which he accomplished everything, it wasn't a wonder that James had such a large ego. But that wasn't all there was to him. When it came to his friends, James was willing to sacrifice everything for them. And often times, he did. They meant the world to him, his friends. Growing up, he hadn't had any, and that made having them all the more important to him. James would do anything for them, including breaking about a million wizarding laws, and becoming an animagus.

As he grew up, James began to mature. After his mother died, his personality went under a drastic change. He became quiet and withdrawn. No longer was he the boisterous young lad of before. For a long time, he was almost shy. It had changed his world, not having this woman in his life. The woman that did everything for him. Thought the world of him. And he couldn't save her. He couldn't do anything to make her better. Not even when he'd come home, right before she died. James couldn't save her. And that's when James began to maybe think that he wasn't as brilliant as he'd always thought.

For the most part, James is a very playful person. He likes to have fun, and tries not to take things too seriously. Of course, when the occassion calls for it, he can be. Such as when he's on missions. But when things are getting TOO serious, and no one is in any immediate danger, James likes to take it upon himself to lighten the situation. What might have been construed as cruel humour as a younger boy, has grown into a carefree sort of humour as an adult. Adult James knows the boundaries of social conventions, that perhaps younger James could have benefited from.


Sirius Black: Best mate and all around wanker. At least, if you asked James that. From the start the two had been closer than normal. James began to look at him as a brother, especially when Sirius ran away from home to live with James. They were constantly together during their years at Hogwarts, causing mischeif and mayhem wherever they went.

Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew: The other half of the Marauders. James obviously loves all his friends, though he was never quite as close with these two as Sirius. But could anyone be as close to him as Sirius was? Probably not. But James still doted on his friends, doing what he could for them. He even became an animagi just so Remus wouldn't have to suffer through his transformations all alone.

Lily Evans: The perfect woman, if you asked James. Even though she kept saying no, James kept asking. There was just something about her. Something that drew her to him. James couldn't resist her allure, no matter how many times she insulted him, or turned him down. Not to say that he didn't get downhearted every once in awhile. But he always bounced back. And it was made all the more worthwhile by when she finally said yes. Now they're married and expecting a kid! James is about ready to have a panic attack. But he's sure that it'll be perfect. It has to be!

Severus Snape: Enemy extraordinaire. James positively loathes Snivellus and his big greasy nose. It's an old rivalry from when they were at Hogwarts together. But after saving his life in sixth year, James doesn't hate him quite as much as Sirius does. But he'll never be friends with the Slytherin.

History: All information subject to change upon conferring with the relevant players.

James Potter is the only son of Charlus and Dorea Black. Having arrived late in his parents' life, they considered him their little miracle child. Dorea especially pampered him, doting upon his every whim. With such attention as this, it's a small wonder James grew into a rather smug being.

Not that James is a pompous spoiled little brat. He just expects things. His parents were always willing to do anything for him, and James always figured that want extended to everyone. Growing up, he didn't seem to realize that he wasn't quite the center of the world to every single person out there. It certainly seemed that way to him.

His parents did their best to raise him up, and James didn't turn out so bad. When in the presence of his parents, James was a perfect little angel. He used manners and never spoke very loudly, and was positively sweet. Out of their presence, however, he turned into something of a trouble maker. James always was curious to found out just how much he could get away with when they weren't looking.

As his dad was generally away at work, James bonded most with his mother. He positively worshipped the ground she walked on. He figured she had to have been a saint, considering how many times she turned a blind eye to his actions. She always took care of him, and never stopped loving him. She called him her baby, and James was keen to live up to her expectations.

His father worked for the Ministry in the auror department. James always wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. He looked to his father so much, he thought the man was the height of cool. Especially when he came home from fancy Ministry events. His parents always did their best to hide the reality of his dad's job from him. But sometimes when he couldn't sleep at night he'd creep down the stairwell, and listen to his parents talking. It scared him. There was news of a group of people forming. A group of people who wanted to cause harm. It was times like these when James would crawl back up the stairs shivering and climb into his bed. He would lay there and pretend to be asleep when his mum came in later to kiss him goodnight.

Things began looking up for James, however when he got his letter for Hogwarts. He never got out much to visit with other kids his age growing up, and James was positively thrilled to be going to school. He'd be able to make friends! That's what he wanted more than anything. Good friends. His train ride to Hogwarts was a rather subdued one, where he hid in a compartment and went over in his head all the things he could do to impress the other kids in his house.

After being sorted into Gryffindor, James couldn't keep the grin off of his face. He was in a house. His father's house! His mum had been a Ravenclaw, and he always teased her about that, saying he would for sure be a Gryffindor. James sat down by the other first year boys. Sirius Black. Remus Lupin. Peter Pettigrew. He smiled at them, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach. Looking round at his new dorm mates, he just new they could be friends. Proceeding to crack some jokes, the evening went better than James ever could have expected.

That night was also the night he first clapped eyes on Lily Evans. Back then he thought she was a skinny little girl who was much too strict for his attention. After briefly admiring her hair, James turned to the boys and made a face. Girls. Who needed girls?

It was early in their second year when he, Sirius and Peter sat down Remus and asked him where it was he disappeared to every month. It took some coaxing, and a lot of guessing on their part before Remus finally told him. Peter seemed scared, but he and Sirius just shrugged. They gave each other a look, and knew the other were thinking how wicked cool it would be. It was some time later that they came up with the idea to become animagi so they could accompany their friend.

James did rather well in school, not having the best marks, but he made by. His friendship with the three boys grew daily, it seemed. The four of them were completely inseparable in the early years. It became apparent that James and Sirius were the closest, but it didn't seem to bother the other two, so they didn't let it bother them. Their favourite past time was Snivellus taunting. Every time they learned a new hex, he and Sirius would grin at each other, and run to find the boy. So they could test it out. Granted, this did not bode well for their academic career. Or James's luck with Lily.

Gradually, James started to develop some feelings for the fiery girl. Sometimes he would watch her, and look away quickly when she caught him staring. It was the 4th of April in their fourth year, when James first asked her out. He had been nervous, fidgeting with his hair like there was no tomorrow. He had approached her wandless and everything. He didn't want to scare her off, after all. When it was done and said, he was practically shaking from nerves. But that didn't stop her from saying no. Flat out no. He had looked at her, so completely startled. Why would she say no to him? He glared. Stupid girl. What did she know?

Thus started the great Potter-Evans war. James couldn't let such an act of treason go uncontested. Naturally, he enlisted Sirius's help, and waged a war against her of the pranking variety. She huffed and glared, but refused to acknowledge his pleas that it would all stop if she just went out with him.

James left home for summer that year incredibly disappointed. He spent the whole time thinking up ways to get her to go out with him. Flowers? He could send her a bunch of lilies! How could she say no to that? Apparently quite easily. It was the 25th of December and James cornered her in the common room, presented her with a bunch of lilies, and some chocolate, asked her to go out with him, and got it all thrown in his face. There was a spark of something vicious in her eyes. Something magical. And a glimmer of pity. It was everything James held on to. He needed her. So badly. He wouldn't give up until she was his. It was that day that he felt himself falling in love with her. Though, he wouldn't admit it for all the candy in the world.

That was fifth year. He refused to back off of asking her out at every single opportunity. But that wasn't the only thing he was doing. It was that year that Sirius declared they were going to finally become animagi. Remus gave him a long suffering look, but James was just as eager. Many long nights were spent in the library, most notably the restricted section under James's cloak before they finally managed to do it. It was two nights before the full moon when James declared that he was going to transform. None of the others believed him, and James rather thought Peter and Remus had given up hope and was only humouring him and Sirius. Much to their surprise, where once had stood James Potter, now stood a rather majestic stag. Sirius took to the transformation easily, but it was Peter who took some doing to get to transform.

That was the best full moon any of them had ever known. James spent the rest of the year, happier than a peacock, feeling like the lord of his domain. Now.. if only he could get a lady. James went through quite a few girlfriends, actually. But none of them were ever good enough, and didn't stick around for more than a month. Going into the relationship, they knew of James's infatuation with Lily, but they still thought they could win him over. It was never the case, and James often forgot himself, asking them about her. It was around that time that he usually got slapped. It was no trouble to James. He didn't mind when they left him. It just meant he was freer to pursue his dream. Lily Evans.

Sixth year dawned, and he and Sirius got the brilliant idea to map out the school. It would come in handy for their last two years of Maraudering, they decided. Plus, they could hand it down to some upstart mischief makers, and may they use it wisely. The two of them, and sometimes Peter, often explored the many hidden passageways of the castle, and pretty soon they had a comprehensive map. It was Remus who really helped them out with making it happen. He suggested they charm the map so you could see where anyone was at any given time.

It was early this year that Sirius finally got fed up with Snape's constant prying into their lives. Sirius decided he might as well tell Snivellus just where it is that Remus went every month. When James learned of this little tidbit, he ran for the Whomping Willow as fast as he could. Nearly too late, James managed to save Snape in enough time before he could be wounded by the wolf. James couldn't believe Sirius would do something so foolish. Didn't he know how imperative it was to keep these things secret? This little stunt put a rift in their friendship for awhile, but they missed each other too much to just not talk.

Well into February, James received startling news. His mother.. his precious mother. She'd contracted an illness, and in her old, she wasn't able to battle it like she would have been at any other time. She died. A part of James died with her. He spent the last few months of sixth year sulking in his room. Often times he cried over her loss. And Sirius or Remus or Peter was generally there to console him. He stopped asking Lily out, preferring to just avoid all human contact.

That was the hardest summer of his life. Being home reminded him of her at every turn. He pleaded with his father to move. He didn't want to bear it anymore. He couldn't. He couldn't face the horrors of life in the house she had loved so much, took care of. But his father wouldn't hear of it. He said it would be good for them to remember her. They shouldn't forget, just because it hurt.

That was also the summer that Sirius ran away from home. It made things a little easier, having his best mate around. His dad easily caved and let the other boy live with them. The pain James was feeling over his mother lessened a little that summer, due to the efforts of his father and best friend combined. He slowly learned how to smile again, having spent the past few months very surly. He had absolutely refused to smile until that time. If he smiled, he wouldn't be missing her as much as he should, and that could not happen.

Receiving the letter from Hogwarts telling him he had made Head Boy was a huge shock for James. He was a good student yes, but the best? He was almost sure that Remus or Snivellus would get it. But no. It was James. And that day on the train when he saw Evans was his Head Girl, he about died. A whole year working closely with Lily Evans. It was like a dream come true. He couldn't wait. Just couldn't wait. He would do right by her, and the trust Dumbledore had placed in him.

The change in James from the previous year was highly noticeable. He hadn't asked her out in a very long time, and he resolved not to. Not until they were something like friends. He couldn't handle the rejection again. It would be too much to bear. Working together, the two of them formed a slow friendship, each coming to learn more about the other than they had ever thought possible. James felt his love for her grow to new bounds. Before it had been trivial, he was sure. Now, now it was real.

He wanted their first date to be on Valentines Day. But when he asked. She said no. He felt his heart wrench in two at that very moment. But. But she said she could go the following week. She just had prior engagements. James could have died from happiness. February 21st was the day of the beginning of the rest of his life, as far as James was concerned. It wasn't a perfect date, but it was nice. It was very nice, and he savoured every single moment of it.

Finally, James asked her to be his girlfriend on March 10th of 1978, and she said yes. She said yes!! He hugged her and kissed her, and wouldn't let her out of his sight all day. He didn't want it to be a dream. It couldn't possibly be a dream. Though, it would have been the best dream he had ever had.

The rest of the schoolyear played itself out, and soon James found himself on the train headed for home. He wasn't going to stay home long. He and Sirius had found a flat in London, and they were moving in some time in July. It would be a grand adventure, the two of them living together on their own. He just hoped they didn't burn the place down. And he'd be able to visit Lily whenever he wanted. And she could come visit him. Oh, it would be so lovely. He wanted to propose to her. But first, he had to get settled in his new place, and his new job. James was due to start auror training in August. He was beyond nervous, but he just knew he'd be great. His dad had retired by now, but he had told James over and over of how proud he was, and that James would do great. That was all James needed to hear.

It didn't take James long to propose to Lily. A few months in auror training, and the rising news about Death Eater factions had him worried to his core. He couldn't go through his life without her at his side. His, forever. She meant too much to him to NOT marry her. So, on November 25, 1978, James got down on his knees asked Lily Evans to marry him. When she said yes, James's yell of joy could be heard for miles. Well, in theory. He was that elated. It meant so much to him that she said yes. That they were going to be married!

The rest of that year and a good bit of the following past in a dazed blur to James. He spent his days training at the Ministry, and nights with Lily, whenever he could. It was the happiest time of his life. Working, doing important things. When James heard from Professor Dumbledore about a resistance movement he was forming, The Order of the Phoenix, he immediately leaped at the chance. At first, he hadn't wanted Lily to join him. It was too dangerous, she could get hurt. His protective insticts of her were kicking in, but she was having none of it. There was so much she could do, was her argument. And James had always had a hard time denying her anything.

It seemed, as his relationship with Lily grew, that his friendship with the other Marauders dwindled. Peter was off in his own world, Remus trying to get through life as a werewolf, Sirius was the only one James ever saw constantly. And that's because he lived with the bloke. But not for long, because James and Lily's wedding day was approaching. August 20, 1979.

After getting married, James and Lily moved into a house in Godric's Hollow. It was a quaint place, and James was really fond of it. Then again, he'd always liked anything having to do with Gryffindor. Living with Lily was a trying experience for the both of them, at first. Considering how much time they'd spent together in the past year, and as Head Boy and Girl, it came as something of a shock to them, to discover yet more things about the other person they never knew. Such as bad habits that drove the other insane. But, as any newly married couple, they learned to adjust. Mostly because James was willing to do anything to make Lily not glare at him. He soon learned what it was like to live with a girl, and what not to do that he would have when living with Sirius.

So, life passed, and soon Lily was carrying a child. His child. James couldn't get enough of it. Even though she is only a few months along, James will press his ear to her stomach, to see if he could hear anything. As if the unborn baby could talk. James honestly wouldn't put it past a child of his. Often time, before bed, James will curl up close to Lily's stomach and talk to the child inside of her. James never speculates as to the gender of the baby. He doesn't want to know. It was going to be a complete surprise to him. Though, one thing he was sure of, boy or girl, it was going to be an amazing Quidditch player. James was going to teach it the ropes from an early age. As soon as the child was able to grip a broom. And BEFORE that, James would be drilling the rules of the game into their head.

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