.Tomorrow it will be 30 years since the first practical, portable cellular telephone was unveiled on a street in New York City. Patented by Martin Cooper .The baby that made the world's population 6 billion was born in 1999. .14% of your body wieght is skin. .The first person to win 2 Nobel Prizes was a woman .Nail polish was invented in China
Okay Sure Whatever ---------- For some wierd reason I actually didn't have to bad of a time at rehearsal today. I just realized this. Hot. Hot secks. That what my costumes are...?..No. Hehe whatever though.
I'm really not looking forward to this weekend... AT ALL. Hot. Technically I'm not even supposed to be on the computer right now, so later guys! Yay, no one got kicked off American Idol! Weeee!
I could not ask for a day more real than today. I loved today. If I ever pick up and leave town, look for me in Columbus. Many photos to come later
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