(no subject)

Jun 28, 2009 02:30


Name: Pietro Maximoff
Age: 18
Birthdate: May 22
Birthplace: New York City, New York
Dominant Hand: Right
Eyesight: 20/20

Height: 5'8" (approximately)
Weight: 155 lbs (approximately)
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White
Other facial features: N/A

Favourite food: Anything with lots of sugar
Favourite colour: Blue, silver, green
Favourite movies: Comedy
Favourite books: Anything at all; he reads inhumanly fast and could finish it in seconds anyways.
Favourite music: Dance, electronica, trance
Favourite animal: Cheetah
Favourite weather: Spring; sunny
Favourite sport/physical activity: Running, basketball
Favourite date spot: Dance club
Preferred type: Energetic, smart, confident, strong, dependable & reliable
Best subject: Gym

Disliked food: Turkey
Disliked colour: Black, white, red
Disliked movies: History and romance
Disliked books: History
Disliked music: Metal, country, classical, anything slow
Disliked animal: Turtles
Disliked weather: Stormy, cold
Disliked sport/physical activity: Bowling, golf, volleyball
Disliked date spot: Cafe or anywhere else that involves a lot of sitting and not moving
Disliked type: Dumb, ditzy, slow, dishonest, people who take off
Worst subject: Science

Description of bedroom: Full of clothes, posters, and mirrors. Somewhat organized, large closet.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): All of the above, diligently.
Laugh: High pitched, loud, long, and obnoxious
Sense of humour: Very sarcastic, often rude and immature
Temper: Short. Easily annoyed, set off, and offended
Basic nature: Very energetic, hyper, and always on the move.
Kinsey rating: 3

Spends money on: Clothes and albums, but he tends to steal more often than not.
Daily rituals: Showering, spending time on his face and hair, going out for a run, hanging out with Lance
Random trivia: He's better than Evan at everything.
Currently wants: To see Wanda again, to make sure his dad stays dead, to punch Todd, to go shopping, to go dancing, Lance's approval
Dress (style, colors): Form fitting casual wear. Likes browns, blues, silver, and green
Current occupation: Thief
Marital status: Single
Current Residence: Brotherhood House

Sun sign: Gemini
Decanate: Gemini
Moon sign: Virgo
Rising sign: Pisces

Dominant character traits: Impulsive, overbearing, stubborn, impatient, energetic, competitive
Likeable traits: None Witty, flirty, excitable
Annoying traits: Arrogant, bossy, unreliable

Love interest(s): Whoever he wants
Lust interest(s): Whoever he wants
Close friends: Lance
Other friends: Pyro, Blob, Boom-Boom, Toad
Acquaintances: Gambit, Colossus, Mystique
Enemies and why: The X-Men
Family: Eric Lensherr (father), Wanda Maximoff (sister)

Habits: Tapping his feet, pushing his hand through his hair, wild arm and hand gestures
Talents: Sewing, basketball, racing, thievery, bitch slapping
Hobbies: Annoying people for kicks, dancing
Entertainment of choice: Getting other people worked up
Musical talents: None. Just likes to dance.
Ambitions: To not become his old man.
Educational background: Some high school.
Philosophy of life: “There are no speed limits on the road to excellence.”

Introvert/extrovert: Extrovert
Intuitive/reasoning: Intuitive
Optimist/pessimist: Pessimistic
Tense/relaxed: Both
Serious/carefree: Carefree


What is your earliest memory? Playing with Wanda-- when we used to get along.

What was your biggest disillusion as a child? That my dad was a hero. Bastard.

What's one thing no one knows about you? That I can't stand my old man. I only ever helped him because he's a power hungry, crazy asshole with the capability to mentally fuck his children up with no regrets. That, and he got me out of jail.

What's one thing everyone assumes about you that isn't true? That I don't like anyone.

What's one thing you wish you could stop? Feeling freaked out that everyone's going to leave someday.

What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have? Stood up to Magneto

What are you a sucker for? The chance to get new clothes

What's your biggest pet peeve? Toad.

What is your most prized possession? Me, myself, and I.

What can absolutely make your day, no matter what? See above answer.

What's the worst part of your life right now? The fact that I keep trying to not be like Magneto, but I keep going there anyways.

Do you have or want children? No, neither, they're annoying and gross.

If/when you ever have children, what is one thing you absolutely want to teach them? The world's a shitty place, and the most important thing is yourself.

What was the worst advice your father ever gave you? The best? Now if I listed this I would be here all fucking day, and I just don't have the patience for that!

When did you feel you'd finally 'come of age?' Probably the day my dad dropped off Wanda and then screwed off on me not too long after. Not that I had a choice to feel that way, mind you.

How do you feel about sex? Yes, please.

Describe your ideal significant other. Uh, someone who can keep up with me; someone with a fucking brain who doesn't act like a bimbo; someone who won't take off a dependable person; someone who's confident and not lacking a set of balls.

How do you deal with depression, stress or sadness? I run away.

How do you think of yourself? That if I'm the best at everything it is that I do I won't have to worry about anyone else's bullshit opinions about it.

How do your friends think of you? Hell if I know. Probably something shitty because they're all jerks.

How do your enemies think of you? Like I care what they think.

Who is your biggest role model? Me.

What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Watching Magneto die.

What has been your most humbling experience to date? See above.

What will it take for you to die happy? Henh.

What would you rather be doing right now? Something else other than this? I'm bored!

ic, meme, ooc

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