Went and saw powerplant with
keh_loves_blood in the botanical gardens on Wednesday night and it was gorgeous. It felt absolutely magical walking through the gardens after dark with sound and light surrounding us in artistic chaos. Seriously loved it.
One path was lined with wooden seats that each had two old fashioned reading lamps at each end of every seat that slowly fickered on and off to a soft buzzing that sounded a little ufo-ish to me?
One of the two exhibits that left the biggest impression upon me would have had to have been the ghostly girls dresses that flowed down one of the smaller paths lined with trees that had spine-shivering female vocals mixing from a sad threnody to aboriginal chanting surrounding us as we walked along.
The other would have been the fire singing duckpond. I'm assuming that the ducks had all been relocated for this and not, as I joking said to Keh, fed odd things to make them burp fire.
LOVED it. I'm so glad I got to go and I just wish that this was a bi-annual event of some sort. I want to go again!!