30 Day Lolita Challenge - Day Two

Aug 17, 2011 20:00

Day 2 - 10 things you love in lolita.

1. Crowns, chess pieces, trumps, musical notes, butterflys. These are the sort of motifs that make me squee over new designs.

2. That feeling of utter joy I get whenever I'm all decked out.

3. I love rocking horse shoes.  I've seen some hate for them, people claiming they look unelegant and clunky, but I adore them.

4. Simple cut, elegant JSKs with a minimum of lace and bows. So purdy.

5. Loli meet ups/shenanigans. So much fun and memories to last. Eg. A rufflebutts on a picnic blanket.

6. Photo posing/taking! Solo or with a group of friends. Love it wa~y too much.

7. Embroidered motifs on loli outfits. It makes me so much happier than printed on patterns.

8. I love blacks, greys, browns, whites and creams in my lolita.

9. Hats! Tiny or otherwise.

10. Loli friends. I wouldn’t know half the people I do if it wasn’t for lolita fashion. I loves them.


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