Day 9 - 10 things you will never do in lolita.
1. Starting out with a silly one, tightrope walk. The shoes don’t really lend themselves to this activity and hey, I get nervous going up stairs in a big poofy skirt just how much I may be flashing, even with bloomers and tights.
2. Smoke. I don’t smoke anyway, so this one is sort of a no-brainer. Whatever floats for anyone else I guess, but I’m not a fan of the smell or the acid sting at the back of the throat from second hand smoke.
3. Climb trees. I’ve seen beautiful photo’s of lolitas in trees and I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to, but every time I’ve physically been beside a tree to climb when wearing lolita I’ve had horrible mental images of my dress ripping. I’m not a graceful tree climber. ;_;
4. Slob around home all day. Petticoats start floofing irritatingly and my cat not only sheds fur on anything in meowing distance but has also not figured out that claws hurt us poor monkeys. Lolita is just not made for my slobby days.
5. Fly on a plane. It’s uncomfortable enough skooshing into a car to get to and from meets, I’m slightly horrified at the thought of travelling by plane in lolita. (Trains though = A-ok.)
6. Attend a work interview. I can get away with bits and pieces at my job because I’ve worked with most of these people for five years plus and they already know a lot of my quirks, however interviews are a bit more serious and first impressions do count. Lolita fashion is not appropriate or comfortable for (most) workplaces. (I have seen it work, but it takes a lot of careful thought.)
7. Eat spaghetti bolognaise. I’m extra careful eating normal food when I’m wearing loli, but I can just imagine the mess I could make if I tried eating this at the same time as wearing antique book or something similar. Arg, it gives me nightmares.
8. Get married. If it ever does happen I want a swooshy, medieval inspired dress thank you ever so much. Bridesmaids and reception outfit though... hmmm, that’s a whole different kettle of fish.
9. Wear bright pink. This is highly unlikely. Maybe for a photoshoot? If no one else was available? If there really was no other option? But as an everyday fashion outfit, the answer is definitely no. It just doesn’t suit me, personality wise or looks wise.
10. Survive the zombie apocalypse. Those shoes just aren’t made for running. I suppose I could take them off and use them as bola’s or a’la an old-lady-thwacking-handbag but if a zombie gets that close to me I’m done for anyway. Also, running around barefoot I’d probably end up slipping in a puddle of blood or kicking a zombie in the teeth accidently.