30 Day Lolita Challenge - Day Twenty One

Sep 08, 2011 22:31

Day 21 - Your favourite fictional lolita.

I thought long and hard about this.  While getting myself set up for this challenge I jumped to other questions to answer them first as they seemed easier. And when it all boiled down and push came to shove I just had to admit, I don’t have one.

I know of fictional lolita’s (Momoko, Stocking, Goth Loli Quartet, etc) but I can’t say that I’ve ever seen a lolita character that’s blown my socks off to the point where she’s stuck in my head as a ‘favourite fictional lolita’.  I'm completely drawing a blank.

I didn’t want to actually say that. Not because I think it’s embarrassing or that I’m less lolita for it (bah humbug) but that I just felt a little incredulous at the realisation myself. Really? No favourite?

Even picking through fiction collections didn’t ring any bells.

I’m bereft. Le sigh.


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