
Sep 21, 2004 10:26

argh, i can't believe my dad is being such a jerk. he turned off the phone line at home just cuz he is mad at my mom (this whole divorce thing is getting outta hand in my opinion, why can't they just be civilized??) so now i can't log onto AOL from home or do anything online! sucks, huh? so i can update and stuff when i'm at school, but it won't be ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

Nooo way!!! carebear_jackie September 21 2004, 16:56:25 UTC
wow, that sucks!! My parents have been divorced for about 10 years... but my dads fiancee' just broke up with him (their wedding was in Feb.), i think she was after his money--and right now we have none. lol struggles =(
But yea, im looking for a job as well!!! Ive had no luck... you have age and education on me though! Im sure you'll be fine!! I hope everything else is going well!!! Muah, im going to miss you!! Hehehe!


shanesunrise September 21 2004, 20:20:40 UTC
Heyy Girl!! Well, here I am writing to You Tonight in your Journal before I go to Bed here soon.. Thanks for IM'ing Me Tonight on AOL and I can't believe and Sorry to hear about your Parents and the divorce.. I am here for You Girl and You know that I am the one that cares about You.. Yes, I do.. I am almost done Updating my Journal here Tonight and You can read what I write when You get a chance.. Okay, I am going to go.. I just wanted to write this to You and again Sorry on how you are feeling here Awwww.. Don't forget I care about You Too Okay.. Bye!! <3 You and You can write Me back the next chance You get Okay..


xotoxicdesirexo September 22 2004, 11:47:58 UTC
i hate devorces mi parents r goin through it now :.tear:.


mixitup_38 September 22 2004, 15:39:47 UTC
hey, sorry I haven't been around livejournal lately but I live in Louisiana and we've been having flooding trouble. I'm really sorry to hear about your parents and I hope things improve with that soon! <33


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