I loved the first two episodes of this season's Merlin. So much heartbreak and banter and awesomness and love in one place. ♥
Unhingend!Uther; tired!overworked!selfsacrificing!crying!Arthur; brave!lovely!snarky!Merlin; Arthur&Merlin!banter; everything!awesomecake!Gwaine!, heartbroken!Gwen; whydoyoulooklikeBellatrix!Morgana; loyal!selfless!hopelesslyinlove!Lancelot; creepy!Uncle who's name I've forgotten ... oh my gosh. There's so much that I enjoyed about the season premiere that I can even forgive silly bouts of there'snologichere!writing and wejustinventedpushups!Gwen and scenes which screamed of wehavenoideawhatwe'redoing!cgi, and then there's the dragon ... I don't like the dragon if he's not making fun of Merlin. Which he didn't. It's a shame, really. The dragon having a laugh at Merlin's expense makes everything better by a thousand. But okay, they made up for that by buying new cameras and having ridiculously beautiful cinematography for a BBC kids!show. And to further squelch my complaints they gave me slightlyshirtless!Arthur and a heartbreaking Arthur!Uther!scene ... and then I promptly forgot about it and screamed at my screen when they killed Lancelot.
Is he coming back? Does anybody know?
In conclusion: I liked these two episodes very much, and because I loved the cinematography I felt inspired to do some fanart. Enjoy!
( resources: screencaps by enchantedfleur; textures by Angelus2hot and yunhe)