Well this weekend was decent.
On Friday night I went to the show at the highschool with my mom and Jerry. It was actually pretty good. The band that was there was Millish. I thought they were awesome. I met them and they signed my CD for me. =] It was pretty rad.
Saturday I did homework and went up north with my dad. We went out hunting and I didn't see shit. Then later we went out shining and I saw the three biggest bucks I've ever seen in my life. They were all 8-points I believe.
Today (Sunday) it was too rainy to hunt or even do anything and we lost power up there so we just left for home at around noonish. My dad and I went to Barne's & Noble and then to the movies. We saw "Jarhead". It was alright, but it had a weak plot. Then we went out for dinner and I came home.
Now I'm just waiting for my pretty little boyfriend to get home. =]