Tech started for musical. It was boring as hell. I have a TON of homework but no time to do it. My best friend is all blah and I dont know how to help. I want to go crawl under a rock and hide for a while...
My best friend is heartbroken and I dont know what to do. I wish there was something I could do or say to help her but I just dont know what. She has helped me in more ways than I could even begin to list yet I have no idea how to help her. Maybe I'm just not a good best friend...
I'm already sick of spring break. I wish I actually had something to do. I wish I wasnt at my dads, its so boring here and I want to see people. Someone come get me, lets drive around and be stupid, go to the mall and people watch, go sit at barnes and noble and read books, I dont know, anything.
So theres this boy. I dont know, theres just something about him that makes me happy. I just adore him so much. These past few days I've been thinking about him a lot.